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Old 04-04-2012, 03:10 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Helga - '00 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
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Mathilde - '99 Volkswagen Eurovan Camper
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Interesting! I'm doing a trip of a similar length, going from west coast toward the east. See my thread on the trip asking similar "what should I do to prepare" questions here: http://ecomodder.com/forum/showthrea...ero-21172.html

I've been told the TDIs like cool air, so I don't block off my intercooler. I suppose if the air temps were really cold, then it wouldn't hurt to block it off, but I haven't. I do block off nearly all of the grill with the exception of the lowest part; you can see a pic of it in my thread above. (it ain't purdy, but it works)

I've seen a thread on this forum from a guy that has created a 205*F thermostat for the TDI; search for threads started by josh8loop. I haven't had a chance to try that yet, but I do notice that my temps don't get up all that high even with the grill blocks so it's something I want to try out.

My Jetta also has the t4 injectors from Franko6 I'm pretty happy with them. I did install a taller 5th (0.681 I think) which helps, but I think I should have gone taller. With the current setup I get about 60mpg at 65mph.

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Old 04-04-2012, 01:53 PM   #12 (permalink)
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01 Beetle - '01 VW Beetle TDI
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Black 450h - '14 Lexus 450h
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Originally Posted by cleanspeed1 View Post
Add some Hotshot's Secret to the oil and some of their Firepower fuel treat ( only 7.50 or so a bottle )Hot Shot's Secret | Diesel Engine Oil Additive

I have run this stuff in the trucks I drive and it flat works ( Mercedes Benz MBE900 and 4000 powered Freightliners and Volvo VED 12 powered Volvo ). Fuel economy went up, engine smoothed out, throttle response got better.

They have a combination specific for the VW TDIs that you should try out. You won't regret it.
Ok, ordered some HSS and the diesel extreem fuel additive. Should have it tomorrow. did some calculations and the trip is about 2200 miles. So that will be a test of HSS for sure! Also just bought some Monokote for the grill block. Gonna cover the opening 100% and watch my scangauge II for water temp. There is not a bellypan on this Beetle so air can still get in that way. I'm only turning 2500rpm at highway speeds so not a big strain on the little motor.

Nacht, I've done parts of 3 different cars with Frank. He's been good to me! I was wondering about the innercooler inlet. Maybe i'll leave it open. I'm also interested in the taller 5th gear swap. How much was it? I had slacked off on modding this Beetle since it was going to my 16yr old daughter but my parents gave her their Buick Centry and she likes the automatic tranny. oh well now i can play play play!! lol! I bought a wrecked 03 Golf with a stage III tune, straight exhaust, big clutch, and 520 injectors. WOW it would FLY!! And sounded cool(could hear the turbo wine)!! But when i lost my job i sold it to a guy intending on using the motor for a swap into a toyota truck.
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Last edited by Hip001; 04-04-2012 at 02:01 PM..
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Old 04-04-2012, 04:07 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Great advice here. My wife and I have been looking the the Beetle TDI's and this would help us out.

I didn't see anyone mention a fuel filter if its been awhile since you put one in.
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Old 04-04-2012, 04:44 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hip001 View Post
over 2000 miles. Savannah, Asheville, Birmingham are 3 of the stops & if front of the innercooler too?

Gotta see the Biltmore House in asheville!!!!!!
Largest privately owned house in usa. 100+ rooms
Biltmore Admission Tickets
worth the 2-3 hours....believe me!

Also, when you are going, plot the lowest gas prices on a map or gps. Then on the way back you know where to stop.
I always fill up right before entering CA because gas is 30-40 cents cheaper
MetroMPG: "Get the MPG gauge - it turns driving into a fuel & money saving game."

First: ScangaugeII

Second: Grille Block

Third: Full underbelly pan

Fourth: rear skirts and 30.4mpg on trip!
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Old 04-05-2012, 12:48 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Dusty - '98 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle TDI
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Originally Posted by Hip001 View Post
Hey guys! Taking the 01 Beetle this Friday on a 5 state trip
-Pulse & Glide when not on interstate. and 65mph on interstate. shifting at 2k

any advice is appreciated.....
With my diesel Beetle I shift at 1500 rpm and cruise in fifth gear from 30 mph onward. I am only in 4 th gear if i have a steep hill at slow speed say 40 mph and under, otherwise fifth gear is what I am always in. Rpm around 1000 most of city driving and on the hwy I try to stay at 2000 or 2100 rpm which keeps me at around 55mph.
Also a $50 ebay fuel pump tuning box(glorified Every Mod) made a big improvement in my cars low rpm torque making my car a lot more capable to run in 5th gear at low speed.
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Last edited by ecomodded; 04-05-2012 at 12:59 AM..
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Old 04-05-2012, 09:20 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Helga - '00 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
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Mathilde - '99 Volkswagen Eurovan Camper
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I normally shift at around 1500 as well, though I will give it a full throttle acceleration once in a while to help clear out the intake (mine was restricted to about a dime-sized hole when I bought the car).

The taller 5th was around $400 plus another couple of hundred $$ to have it installed by a TDI guru. I had to get my clutch replaced anyway, so the same labor cost covered both the clutch work and the gear swap work. In any case, the taller gear puts the engine in its BSFC sweet spot of 1800rpm at 60mph.

Just took a 280+ mile trip and got a very nice 68mpg overall... and I've still got aero mods I can do!
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Old 04-05-2012, 02:59 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Dusty - '98 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle TDI
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Fantastic mileage you got on the trip ! and a great drop in rpm, 1800 at 60 mph is about a 500 rpm drop from my 5th gear at the same speed but you probably know that.
I wonder as I may do it and it may be good for Hip001 as well, if a final drive would be better as it would give all gears a drop in rpm? longer 1st 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th.
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Last edited by ecomodded; 04-05-2012 at 03:18 PM..
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Old 04-05-2012, 05:20 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Helga - '00 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
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Mathilde - '99 Volkswagen Eurovan Camper
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My understanding was that changing the final drive is a lot more involved than swapping the 5th gear. For the 5th gear swap, it's actually possible to do the work with the transmission still in the car... end cover of the tranny comes off, pop the clips holding the gears in, slide off the old ones, slide on the new ones, and then put it all back together. I'm simplifying a bit, but you get the idea. For me, since the tranny had to come out for the clutch anyway, doing the gear swap was super-easy (done in less than 15min). The final drive change would require a full dis-assembly of the tranny, from what I gather.

Other than thinking that I should've gone with a taller gear, I'm pretty happy with the swap. There is obviously a bit more of a gap between 4th & 5th now but I've easily gotten used to it... don't really notice it anymore. And swapping it again (if I decide to go with a taller gear) is going to be even easier, now that I know how to do it!
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Old 04-06-2012, 11:20 AM   #19 (permalink)
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01 Beetle - '01 VW Beetle TDI
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Black 450h - '14 Lexus 450h
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68mpg!!! WOW i could enjoy that!! I will be looking into that 5th gear swap for sure! But no time to install for this trip.

I took off my lower grill and covered it with "MonoKote" completely blocking it off except the right driving light hole(driving lights removed) for inner-cooler air. It was my first try using Monokote since high school RC airplanes. It's not as pretty as i'd like but is covered.(will re-do it after this trip if it works) I'll be watching the water temp on the ScanGaugeII closely. Did the KFC-mod, and changed oil adding SHH. Airfilter & fuel filter changed too. checked for dragging brakes, and wheels spin with only minimal brake drag. waxed car too :-)
2014 Lexus RX450h
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Old 04-10-2012, 10:50 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Black 450h - '14 Lexus 450h
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Woops covering the lower grill was a bad idea. Temp went to 220 pretty fast. Cut a couple 2"holes which made it better but ended up cutting a 12"x 5" hole in the center to bring it down to 180ish. Only got 47mpg using the hot shot secret oil & fuel treatments. 603 miles with still 1/4 tank left
There are no changes in performance or noticeable difference in volume of the engine. If mpg does not improve then the Hot Shot Secret is useless in this application.

2014 Lexus RX450h
2008 Toyota Tundra
2007 BMW R1200RT
2006 Jetta TDI DSG
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