As the title suggests, i have a problem. I recently made a tank type heater with a 400W heater cartridge in it. After 1.5 hours of heating it has heated up my engine to 38.8c. and holding. It is thermosiphoning but i fear that 400W is not enough to get the heat into the engine this way.
I have a plan B though. It involves the use of a central heating pump...

I bench tested the pump and it has a good flow at its lowest setting. I don't think it will cause any harm to the engine if installed. The wattage is 45W so i would hope to have a toasty engine within an hour.
There is room in the engine bay in front of the gearbox so that wont be a problem.
Should i remodel the tank heater to take a 1kw heater element? No doubt it would thermosiphon better but maybe not well enough. Combined with the pump and it should kick ass!