Symptoms were strange: sometimes the brakes acted normally but sometimes I had the vague sensation that the pedal was going a little further towards the floor on brake application. Sometimes at stoplights I noticed when taking my foot off the brake, the car would hold brakes for perhaps 5 seconds then start rolling if there was a grade.
When the brake pads finally disintegrated I put new pads and rotors on the front... test drive OK... longer drive NOT OK!

One caliper was dragging enough to make a stink. NOOOOOO! Not my nice new parts!!!
Disassembled caliper and all looked well, at least from a seizing standpoint. Took the flex line off and couldn't blow through it. Easily blew through a new line. Voila.
Old line completely lacks external visible signs of failure. No cracks, weatherchecks, oil contamination, hernias, nothing.
It thinks it looks innocent but I know better.