I'm picking up this little gem tomorrow for $600

1989 honda civic wagon! The story is that this was the "family car" for it's entire life. The car was bought new by the current owner's grandma, handed down to his mother, then to him. when another "hand me down" car landed in his lap from the family, the wagovan went back to mom's place, until tomorrow!!
I'll be cruising from 61081 to 62926. that's pretty darn far, but for $600, I think I can get her home for about $1000, and I'm OK with that.
This is basically a "teaser" post to hopefully get some ideas kicking around, since I haven't actually even seen the car first-hand. I figure I'll share the photos that had me sold on this car
so, in no particular order:
as you can see it's all there, and in pretty decent condition. it's fair to say I've got a lot of work ahead of me, but it sounds like fun!
I plan on working on it in about twenty different places at once, depending on my mood and time available.
definite plans include :
*a vx tranny from ecomodder turbovr41991 in Ohio (drove the minion up and met him) that will be powder-coated white sometime next week and then prepped for new bearings and seals (hopefully somebody knows if the '89 tranny has taller gears than the vx, and if it will bolt up to the "d-series" stuff, I assume it will)
*I've also got a d15z1 motor that I got from ecomodder slownugly in PA (also got a vxtranny from slownugly - I rebuilt and daily drive it - drove it to Ohio too), and a d16z6 motor from a non-modder. I plan to combine these two into a "mini-me" with low compression (yes, I want to join team turbocharged!!!). that motor will take a while, so for now, I'll see about getting the stock stuff running
*An mpguino
*driver's seat getting re-upholstered to match the rest of that beautiful interior
*new suspension all around
*all new wheel bearings, tie rod ends, ball joints, brakes (probably lines too), rims, tires, etc,etc
I'm going to try and get some sleep, but I feel like a little kid who can't sleep the night before "the big day" but I will try.
I'll post more pics and add notes tomorrow hopefully, but tomorrow is basically all road time. I do have another BIG ecomodder decal like I made for the minion, that's going to be the first ecomod to the car. before it hits the trailer
thanks ecomodders!