Aero Mods Opinions Needed
I am new to ecomodding and hypermiling but I'm catching the bug fast. I recently started keeping a fuel log for my 97 Honda Civic EX. I first set a baseline by driving several tanks with no modifications to my driving style or to the car itself. I have since then moved on to just adjusting my driving style. I am on the first tank of that phase but I can already see a drastic improvement just by watching my fuel gauge and odometer.
My end goal is to drive efficiently (and safely) and to improve the aerodynamics of my vehicle to assist in the endeavor. I do not plan on making drastic changes (boat tail, etc) but I am interested in some smaller modifications (wheel skirts, air dam, wheel covers, less side mirrors, etc).
My question concerns the air dam. How much airflow should be needed over the radiator to keep me from overheating? I live in Houston Texas so it gets pretty hot during most of the year and I would rather sacrifice a little fuel to keep from burning something up but I hear that the factory grills are usually excessive.
I work in a model making shop and have access to every kind of fabrication process imaginable (sheet metal working, machining, auto paint, acrylics, fiberglass, laser cutter, welding, and even a rapid prototype machine) so I think I could come up with a completely new front end for my car.
Any ideas/opinions would be greatly appreciated!