I like to compete in economy run events and have used a few different cars over the past few years. One I haven't tried yet was my '91 Sentra SE-R [2.0 liter - 5 speed]. It's been lightened considerably from it's original [approx] 2450 lbs. down to 2020 lbs.

I normally use it for rallycross competition, but because of it's weight reduction, I decided to see what I could get from it in the recent
Tri-State Fuel Economy Run event. I had three 4'x8' sheets of black choroplast and some lexan recycled from another older project. The following are the mods I came up with from browsing these forums.

First up was recycling the choroplast belly pan from my Datsun B210. The '91 Sentra is longer and a bit wider than the B210 so it isn't quite a full belly pan. This is looking from the rear axle area towards the front of the car.

Looking behind the rear axle. To the left of the picture is the back bumper.

Starting to fabricate the side skirts and rear wheel fairings.

These are the rear wheel spats I came up with. I am wondering if I made them too big/wide?

Front end closed in. I don't have the grill block taped on yet in this pic. I used a digital water temp gauge to determine the size of the cooling opening you see. The engine runs between 200-210 deg. F. The cooling fan comes on at 213 deg. Any comments or feedback are welcome on the profile I came up with under the bumper.

I used a combination of choroplast and lexal pop riveted over light aluminum angle from the Home Depot. I mocked up the supports for the Kamm panel from cardboard.

Then I bent them from aluminum strap. I used 3M body moulding tape to attach them to the trunk lid.

Complete rear section. Now it was 2:00 am the morning of the event. Enough is never enough so I decided I needed to close in the front wheels as well. So I spent the next two hours fabbing up front wheel fairings. I wanted to connect the upper to the lower and build a full boat tail but ran out of time.

After 1 hour of sleep I an ready to go on Sunday morning in Williamstown, MA for the event.

The car performed very well, netting a result of 76.04 mpg over the 105 mile course.
I very much welcome any constructive criticisms as I did all of this from the seat of my pants with no angle measuring or tuft testing.
Thanks, Mike