Criminal only in your mind. I am a Field Service Technician for a company that manufactures, sells, and provides maintenance, and repair for high volume mail opening, scanning and sorting machines. From desktop high speed cutters to "Capital" machines that fill a room and sort up to 40,000 pieces an hr, or open, sort, image and process up to 10,000 an hr. Think any recurring bill you pay with an envelope containing a coupon/statement and check. I carry manuals for each type of machine I service (13 different models) plus spare parts kits for sites that do not have their own warehouse(parts cabinet). Not to mention tool case, specialty tools, luggage type cart for lugging these items from the vehicle to the buildings where the machines are located ranging from 10 yds to as much as 1/4 mile depending on parking availability. So I take offense to your apparent smug tree-hugger accusations of criminality. I have the car I could get at the time i needed it. Not the car I would have preferred. I used to drive a 1999 Ford Escort,(35 MPG), which served me well for 5 years and 194,000 miles before the engine threw a connecting rod. that was replaced for a time with a 2000 Windstar which I hated (best MPG of 23)... Now its me and my Taurus which I'm getting the best I can with. SO if you would like to comment on my vehicle choices you can encourage, try to help, or just simply try not to be an Eco nazi. Some of us aren't tree huggers, just people trying save money. Yes I have a long commute, but I also have to regularly travel to multiple sites ranging from 32-52 miles from my home. Last week I even had to travel farther to a site 154 miles from my home to provide experienced assistance to another tech who was having difficulty solving an issue.
I'm not picking a fight, a simple explanation or apology will suffice, or not.
Just don't be a jerk. Community is not built on smug elitest attitudes, but by people of many different backgrounds working toward common goals. Yours may be saving the environment or the whales or whatever, mine may be just saving money on my work expenses... but so long as we as individuals do our part with what we have towards the ecomodder goal of using less fuel to live our lives, then we have a common goal.
Have a great fuel saving day.