Originally Posted by jamesqf
I may not have a brain, but I can at least count up to one. Which is the number of wars we're fighting. One war against one enemy, Islam, with combat taking place in many locations.
As for oil interests being any major factor, try a thought experiment. Subtract oil from the equation of the Middle East - say the deposits were under Argentina or Australia instead - and see if the situation changes much at all. Then try a similar experiment, removing Islam.
You thought experiment just makes no sense. There are plenty of f-ed up places we don't invade that have no oil. The Sudan, for instance. People are actually being slaughtered there as we speak. No oily, no invadie.
Removing Islam? Just exactly how is that even a remote possibility even if in some bizarre fox news alternate reality it were the problem? If anything I'm assuming you mean radical islamists which are a tiny minority of the billions of Islamic people in the world. And guess what? All this "county invading", carpet bombing and torture are producing thousands more Jihadists every day. I thought we were fighting "terrorism" I'm all for fighting isms. Damn troublesome those isms. But in reality we are the much more powerful terrorist. Iraq? Estimated innocent civilian deaths from operation "Enduring Freedom"? Approximately 100,000. That's 33+1/2 911s. Just to do some guesome math.
Someone is eating the pablum being fed to them. IRAQ was not an Islamic state. Had nothing to do with 911. It was secular. Now... guess what? It's verging on becoming an Islamic state.
I just so happens that Saddam was making his whole country very rich with oil revenues. That was his big crime. Universal healthcare, Free education. Not the kind of example America wants as a symbol in the region. He was a brutal dictator who was once a friend of the US until he became too powerful, was duped by the US into believing that he would be allowed to invade Kuait un-molested. Remember the babies in incubators killed by Iraqi troops story? It turned out to be a total fabrication.
Then the first war and the following sanctions which were meant to weaken him a destroy his ability to make nukes and such. Guess what it worked. No WMD!!!! But Bush II (the dumberer) invaded anyhow. FOR THE OIL. They admit it themselves now, but you aren't paying attention anymore. Why do you think the oil fields were protected right from day one but the museums were left to be looted.
The US imposed a new economic structure on the country as soon as it could which imposed a flat tax and massively reduced oil revenues for the state. All the oil contracts were auctioned off to the big mutinationals and massive corrupt no bid contracts were handed on a silver platter to the VP's corporation. It was designed as a captialists wet dream nevermind that imposing an economic regime on an occupied country is against the Geneva convention. Good thing America is run by ethics and morality free businessmen and lawyers. Always a loophole.
Where were we? Food? I love good food. Count me in for a falafel.