I agree, I put the winky face in there for a reason. In fact, GM agrees it's a hybrid but the only reason why they don't want people to hear it as being called a hybrid is that people won't think of the electric range and think directly towards the Prius model, which is a different setup. ...not sure why GM didn't go with the PHEV name and explain that instead though but it's GM. I can't blame them from trying though.
In fact, watch this video, GM says "We want to make sure that people don't just lump us in the 'oh, it's juts another hybrid', it's an electric vehicle for 25-50 miles and then it has a range extender, that's why we have continued to try to figure out how to tell our story"
Audience member "That's a variation on series hybrid, in a sense"
GM, "yes"
The video also discussing the EPA sticker which the EPA is still deciding on how to describe it. Apparently they are actually going to try to pin a number on the electric range and then at the total range.
Discussion went on about the different between the smaller LG Chem cells that Hyundai is using with more focus on power density versus Volt's larger cells focused on energy density.
As far as gas mileage goes, it appears that it may be either 9 gallons or 9.6 based on either the previous video or this one. 350 miles-40 electric= 310/9=34 mpg I'm curious what the EPA numbers will be and how someone would hypermile the extended range other than driving slower and timing lights. It seems that you would already hopefully have driving with load down under computer control and I don't think someone could manually pulse and glide other than release the accel pedal and coast often. Needs a smaller engine for us IMHO. I had a daydream of this drivetrain in a 1st Gen Insight with the 1 liter engine lean-burn engine attached pulling max lean-burn under extended range mode at optimum engine speed to allow the proper power to efficiently load the engine. The 430 pound battery wouldn't fit but then again it wouldn't need nearly as much battery for the same performance in either range or power.