5/3 - So What the Hell Happened?
It's done! And We competed
But,I'm getting ahead of myself...
So fairing putty was applied to the seam, to get it nice and smooth...
Then the frame and fairing were primed...
Here it is mounted together
How are they mated? Set screw collets (aluminum on the fairing side, steel on the frame side) with carbon strengthened rods. The Al collets were welded to small AL plates which were then laid up inside the fairing.
On the way to WI, I made dinner - Brats! Cooked in ecomodder fashion - economically and efficiently - using waste exhaust heat!
I stopped in a hotel on the way up to Madison... I love my bike
Oh, so what does it look like? You ask....
Tuft Testing...
Double hinged hatch - open for show or entry/exit position
Butt goes in first, then legs swing in. It's a little tight, but I can do this movement no sweat
Yarr! Caution: Student Driver
Post Event... Now we don't need to worry about taco'ing a wheel, so here's some trike two wheel action! I got good at holding a line and doing circles on two wheels
More soon, I'm getting pictures from the whole event soon...
Oh... Not sure on final placement results... But we got Second in Design! Woo Hoo! Design report will be posted soon too