This is not the scam of hho by electrolysis.
To run efectively a car with hydrogen you need to make A LOT!!!
To make enough hydrogen AND FUEL PRICE COMPETITIVE you can make it with the
Reaction of water and aluminum at 600 Celsius to prevent the protective coating of aluminum oxide that stops the reaction or just add sodium hydroxide to act as catalist and you can make it at room temperature.
Warning: alkine/metals reactions and sodium hydroxide are dangerous.
Anyway, the more the aluminum surface you have, the more reaction you have.
You can put a small system going into your intake and see fuel economy if you take long trip with your foot down. I say this because it's tricky to control the amout of hydrogen being made as start/stop. But you save fuel and the ECU controls the rest of the gasoline/diesel injection needed.
This works more as an add-on in retrofiting a car.
Lots of information on the web for right water/sodium hydroxide/aluminum best ratio.
Interesting Perdue university project with nasa in youtube with their
"Alice rocket". Check it out.
You can read also this white paper from the US departmen of energy here: