This is relevant to the topic, unfortunately not a possibility for the application being discussed.
I saw a tractor trailer pass me this morning and its trailer was rather odd. First it had a large dome in front of the trailer to break up the air.

Then after the kingpin and clearing the tractor, the trailer floor dropped to within 1-1/2 feet of the ground and the entire side of the trailer had a side skirt that cleared about 8" off the ground. That lead to the the very small rear wheels on this trailer. By small I mean they were the size of your average suv wheel, no where near the 22.5" I see on standard trailers. It had eight on the back like all other trailers. After the wheels the side skirts sloped up to meet the back of the rig at what looked like an angle between 10 - 15 degrees. And to end it all it has a rounded rear that spanned from top to bottom, I guess the best boattail attempt I have ever seen on a rig that large.
All in all this beast was 48' feet long and I think the tail made it 53, it looked hinged so it could swing out of the way for loading. It was the first time I saw anything that resembled an attempt to help aero on a production scale. Of course the tractor was all smoothed out with the stacks tucked behind the cab, gas tanks were covered and even the rear wheels had full fiberglass covers and skirts. I wish I had my camera handy, it really was a neat thing to see.
Oh and he was hauling ass, I had to do 80 to get near it to notice all of this ..

ANd when I did, I experienced a suction effect instead of the normal air pushing me into the next lane, which I thought was kinda cool.