At this point, I'm looking for creative send-offs for the
CRXFi that don't involve sending it directly to an auto recycling facility.
One idea was to drive it as far south as possible (Panama) and perhaps even ship it to Colombia and keep going. However, this would take a lot more time than I have.
Another idea was to offer it for free to the first ecomodder to say "I'll take it!", and deliver it to them, but that means I'd have to register and insure it just for one trip. Even though I'd love to make an adventure out of delivering the car to someone, that seems like a waste of money to the DMV and I'm against it on principle. I also don't want to ask the buyer to front hundreds of dollars in essentially legal fees just to turn around and have to do so again in his/her own state. To do a temp transport sticker, the buyer would need to be present in NY state to obtain transport papers.
Any other creative ideas for a last hoorah?...Otherwise I'd really just prefer to have someone continue the tender loving care I can't give it anymore. Please, someone, just offer me more than I'd get in scrap and make me confident that you will use it well. I don't want to waste this functioning pile of metallic effort. I don't want to blow it up or drive it off a bridge either.