I found two small cable clamps at the ace hardware.
I installed the cable so it pretty much pointed at the part of the gas pedal lever I wanted to pull on (the straighter the path, the better).
then figured out how long to make the chain by holding it up to the gap
then used the clamps to attach it to the pedal rod on one side of the chain and to the cable end on the other.
I could slide it a little bit on the cable end to fine tune it by loosening the clamp and repositioning it.
The key here is that the gas pedal actually pulls on the throttle cable via a lever, so I am clamped to that lever near where it connects to the throttle cable.
The chain just attaches to a clamp bolt at the ends, the pedal clamp goes around the pedal lever, the cable clamp goes around the cable. I think I may have flattened and even spot welded the chain ends to be captured by a clamp bolt, but not a requirement I'm sure.