Ok i am going to sound like a doofus here ( well it is my name after all)
what benifit is there to this?
Is it really for getting the "CRAP" out of water to make it drinkable?
or are there other reasons to do this?
I am asking because we have been collecting the Condensed water out of our AC system at our house to water plants and such outside.
but we are collecting more water than we are using. so i am wondering what other uses there could be for it...
Steve - AKA Doofus McFancypants
"If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line - But it better work this time"
 First Milestone passed - 30 MPG (city) 5/15/08
Best City Tank - 8/31/09- 34.3 MPG (EPA= 20)
Best Highway Tank - 5/20/09 - 36.5 MPG (EPA= 28)
In effort to drive less:
Miles NOT driven in 2009 = 648 (Work from home and Alt Transporatation)