I'm back from my Kentucky mission trip y'all! It was a blast. Between helping build a bathroom for a man living in a rundown shack, helping needy children with clothes and school supplies and participating in a children's rodeo where we shared the Gospel of Christ to them, it has been quite the exhilarating week! I made many new friends, experienced the everyday struggles of living in coal country, and became quite the beast at Kemps
I came back and my car was freshly painted! It is fresh y'all, no joke. I will have pictures up tomorrow for everyone! Just to give a idea of what the color is - Massey Ferguson tractor + clear coat + sparkles
My mother told me that no more aero mods were to be done to the car... this made me upset, until I realized that the real problem was with my duct tape usage. So this gives me the chance to add more aero mods with a more permanent solution, i.e. metal bar, screws, bolt, etc.

Win-win right there!
Tomorrow the oil will be changed with 5W-20 Wally World brand full synthetic, along with the addition of a new belt. The new belt will have to be about 33 inches shorter, however... in order to accommodate the A/C and power steering delete! Also being swapped is the crank pulley for an UDP
Tank mpg is 46.1 right now. The driving done without the mods is showing about a 2-3 mpg loss on the tank average. I'll have to see if I can squeak a 50 mpg fill before I go lean in August. Having the deletes should put me over the edge... but I am fighting the law of diminishing returns now. Y'all will be the first to know how it goes!
BTW Russell, congrats on breaking 200% over EPA! That is a milestone I have wanted from day one, and it is good to see someone else achieve it