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Old 09-06-2010, 11:33 AM   #11 (permalink)
Nomadic Chicken
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Originally Posted by Old Tele man View Post
...automatic transmissions use pressurized hydraulic fluid to engage and dis-engage the various torque bands for each "gear" and to "lock-up" the torque-converter....
but i'm talking about bypassing the transmission all together and attaching to the differential. but is it possible? that's the big Q.
is it any different really than just hooking it up to a RWD Drive shaft?

what year and model of saturn? it looks like you can buy a used good transmision for about $250 for a 1998 SL1

My Car:
(comparable 1995 Saturn under the hood:LINK)

1996 SL1. but the transmission is just one problem.
(there are a lot of SL1's on the internet that are actually SL2's mislabeled.)

$250 + labor - Transmission
$?? - Leaking Transmission Line
$200 - 1/2 melted radiator
$750 - Some kinda electronic module that causes faulty engine timing & 13MPG
$650 - A/C Compressor is dead (i live in phoenix. got up to 117 this year)
$First Born - terrible noise that started when i pulled in the driveway when i got home this morning (maybe water pump)

that's the basics. So you can see why i don't want to fix it up.
but if i can convert it... then i'd go from to real fast.

love the car, but unreasonable is unreasonable.

I was going to start an EV conversion a couple of years ago but the same day i was going to go get the donar car i was relieved of work due to cutbacks. now after foreclosure, months of unemployment, couple of years of crappy jobs, etc.. etc... the light is at the end of the tunnel. (that bout of short on money is also why the Saturn went to crap. couldn't afford the upkeep costs)

Last edited by WaxyChicken; 09-06-2010 at 10:35 PM..
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Old 09-07-2010, 12:21 AM   #12 (permalink)
...beats walking...
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...my bad, I was assuming you wanted/needed to retain the gears; but they're STILL designed to use pressurized hydraulic oil for lubrication, so something will be needed.
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Old 09-07-2010, 09:33 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Waxy, it is very different from a rwd setup, as the diff is integral with the transaxle case.

It is possible, as in anything is possible, though the stock ratio probably isn't the best. And most budget conversions do not approach 75mph. Peruse the top speeds/ranges and conversion costs over at EV Photo Album: Our Electric Cars on the Web

But you are talking about cutting apart the transmission case, removing the bits you don't need, and coupling up an electric motor, this is pretty serious and a fairly rare bit of fabrication, which also needs to stay oil tight.

Many folks actually need to use 2nd and/or 3rd which means you need a compromise ratio for your single speed. Here is a transmission ratio chart:
Different Racing

That site also has some s-series auto to manual swap info that I found very useful:
Different Racing

Last edited by dcb; 09-07-2010 at 09:42 AM..
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Old 09-07-2010, 09:48 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Why I suggested buying a used transmision is if you want to make your Saturn in to an EV then buying a used transmision would be cheaper then some of the other options, as it sounds like the rest of the gas engine based drive train is on it's way out.
of course the other option is to find a parts car for your Saturn if you want to keep it as a gas car, something that hit a dear or whatever.
or make friends with someone who has a machine shop in their garage.
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Old 09-07-2010, 10:18 PM   #15 (permalink)
Nomadic Chicken
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Thanks guys.. good thing the project is a few months off. gives me time to consider my options.

you've all been very helpful.

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differential, saturn, sl1, transmission

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