Originally Posted by arklan
i spoke to a fellow today who said they scoop the air at the front and channel it up to outlits up at the windscreen, this creates downforce at the front and helps to push the air over the car when it hits the windscreen.
seems kind of counter intuitive for a car to go fast, but he said the lambo is designed for downforce rather than top speed like the veyron which also sounds legit.
the brakes must get pretty damn hot then 
Top speed can be a bragging right,but not so much if the customers are killing themselves in the car.
Here,the Countach shows it's dirty but stable form.

You really pay for the draggy wings

The Aventador loses the rear wing of the Countach for a 40 count drag reduction,but they're all over the road on track.

The Veyron ' begins' a bit cleaner than the Lamborghini

As velocity builds ir becomes dirtier to maintain stabilty

At 268 mph,Volkswagen doesn't want their rich clients dead in their car,so the Veyron gets really dirty

The flow ends up pretty hideous,but at least the driver lives to see another day