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View Poll Results: Why are you still here, when gas is so cheap?
1) Cheap is relative. I'm still saving money, just less. 47 56.63%
2) It's going to go up again, and I'll be ready. 50 60.24%
3) I don't do this this for financial reasons at all. 12 14.46%
4) Big oil sucks. I don't like supporting the oil co's. 26 31.33%
5) Efficiency is an inherently cool/interesting subject. 53 63.86%
6) I like the technical/mechanical challenge. 50 60.24%
7) O.C.D. O! C! D! OCDOCDOCDOCD 14 16.87%
8) Efficiency = increased energy independence. 38 45.78%
9) I like the group dynamic/competitiveness. 27 32.53%
10) Conservation - for environmental or other philosophical reasons. 38 45.78%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 83. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 12-05-2008, 02:24 PM   #41 (permalink)
Legend in my own mind
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Evil Pumpkin - '08 Scion xD RS 1.0 #1633
90 day: 35.45 mpg (US)

Silent Silver Killer - '10 Honda Insight EX
90 day: 51.5 mpg (US)
Thanks: 2
Thanked 14 Times in 13 Posts
I always knew there was something I could do to save money at the pump. Finding you guys opened my eyes to a world of changes and enhancements that I could easily adapt.

I have since realized that no one has ever taught us how to drive, simply operate the machinery we sit in. I have since learned the difference and will use this experience to advance both my career, education and the education of my children.

We are the ultimate grass roots, and will see the benefits of our labor years down the road when it becomes cool.

Thx NoCO2; "The biggest FE mod you can make is to adjust the nut behind the wheel"

I am a precisional instrument of speed and aeromatics
If your knees bent in the opposite direction......what would a chair look like???

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Old 12-13-2008, 02:03 PM   #42 (permalink)
Renaissance Man
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Aegean C - '17 Honda Civic LX
90 day: 38.33 mpg (US)
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Thanked 31 Times in 24 Posts
LOL at reason #7!

I could reasonably select every answer except #3, but I picked 1 and 10 as the most important.

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Old 12-27-2008, 01:01 PM   #43 (permalink)
X-Frenchy: very
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Toulouse, France
Posts: 595

scenic - '01 renault scenic
90 day: 43.09 mpg (US)

megane - '97 renault megane classic
90 day: 72.53 mpg (US)

dennisius - '06 Toyota Prius
Team Toyota
90 day: 69.27 mpg (US)
Thanks: 9
Thanked 34 Times in 23 Posts
Since I'm eco-driving, I'm asked why I'm trying to save gas. Since a couple months people knowing me are asking me why I'm always trying to save gas. I'm always replying that the Earth is always not saved and as usually they laughed at me...

The worse side of that story is that this time these people are peasants !!!

As security software aren't necessarily written in a secure way, you don't have to love the Earth to work the ground...

Since this week-end, the gasoline is cheaper than 4 years ago, so both gasoline and diesel are under 1€/L (5.3$/g). While there is always a good percentage that are still limiting their speed, the jerk switch is officially at WOT again...


Save money & CO2 at home : http://ecorenovator.org/
Created and managed by the creators of http://ecomodder.com/
Earth and health are priceless, so are kilotank and AT-PZEV
Best Mégane tank: 1268.9mi @ 77.847 MPG(US)
2008/06-2011/10 saving:
  • 5725.5 kg CO2 (5342.6+382.9)
  • Diesel / Money: 42.17% = 2446.25€ = 3357.26$

megane : thread - kill switch.
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