Good job, hope you get the rest of it figured out. Hope the new resistors make a difference, but Im really not sure what to use, Id have probably tried the same as you did.
I feel like I cant live without mine either. I prefer the first display, so I can keep an eye on both the instant mpg, and use that to keep the current mpg up. Occassionally Ill toggle to the tank mpg just to see, then toggle back. I also usually use the first display as my speedometer, since it is very stable and more accurate than the factory needle. Im still running version .70 since it works 100% flawlessly for me.
Got my best trip and tank last night. 38.6 tank average, and my trip back from downstate last night to the local gas station was at least 39.84 mpg over 142 miles. Guino read 5% high on fuel use, so it was probably more like 41.8 mpg.
Im getting variations of about right on to about 8% high, most likely based on fillup differences. +/- 4% is pretty good. I should probably reset my microseconds/gallon to about 4 or 5% higher which seems like the average, but I kinda like knowing that Im getting at least what it says I am, or a tad better. I should at least go average my variations so far and change it in the wiki page.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver
Last edited by wagonman76; 10-13-2008 at 01:27 PM..