This week I have been going at pulse and glide pretty steadily. I finally have the MpGuino built and installed(still working on reset issue

I was monitoring my mileage with it to and from work. About 3.5 miles one way, which sucks for FE, cold engine. MpGuino was saying 34.5Mpg last week everyday to and from work, this week I have achieved 55- 58Mpg using P&G (Thanks MetroMPG for explaining it in more detail to me)

My MpGuino is not calculated for gas usage yet, but miles driven right on.
Rough calculations though would show an increase of 55% driving the way I have been this week, I am excited about that. I was already 11.3% over EPA so I can't wait to see this tank, when I eventually fill up.
So long story short build yourself an MpGuino or buy a scanguage. It is the best trainer I have had so far.