Originally Posted by racprops
Because yours is unable to read the real fuel flow.
With saturated injectors and a manifold referenced regulator, it does a better job than the available flow meters that I have seen specifications for. Does your car not have these things?
Originally Posted by racprops
Because yours runs off the ground cycle of the ECU.
The guino can also work with a positive signal, it is a menu setting.
Originally Posted by racprops
Because I need a more usable system, for my testing.
I'm trying to understand that statement. your thing is switching b+? but why cant it switch the negative lead? Do you expect a flow meter to be more accurate than monitoring injector open time (assuming you can straighten the latter out)? if so, why? Do you have a specification sheet for these flow meters?
Originally Posted by racprops
But this is worthless, I will not show you what I am doing.
It is worthless because you are not explaining anything, and being secretive, and not listening.
Originally Posted by racprops
I only asked for a system to compare the flow meter's counts.
No, you made misleading and unsupported statements too, and you cross posted which is very improper netiquette.
Originally Posted by racprops
Help me with that or not.
You do not get to mandate the discussions, especially when make unsupported assertions. I see many unaddressed issues with your posts, and with your plan, and with your methods.
I can try to help you (and anyone else reading this) in my own way if I please. I also reserve the right to call you out if you call me out.
You can keep your secrets, but such a selfish stance does not merit selfless help from anyone. Nor does it provide any confidence that it is the best approach.