I just happened on this and had to post it, Good going Darin.
Hypermiler Gets 99.7 MPG At Green Grand Prix
Our hypermiling friends at Ecomodder.com took home three trophies at the Green Grand Prix, including top honors for an astonishing 99.7 mpg.
Darin Cosgrove, who founded the hypermiling site in November, 2007, tells us he used the “pulse and glide” technique “almost exclusively” to achieve that impressive figure during Saturday’s fifth annual event, which celebrates all things fuel-effient and alt-fueled. Four Ecomodders entered the event, held in Watkins Glen, NY.
“It was a fun event,” Cosgrove told us. That’s him with his car in the pic. “The competition & expo were a chance for the public & efficiency enthusiasts to learn stuff from one another.”
Cosgrove pulsed and glided to victory averaging 45 mph behind the wheel of his modified 1998 Pontiac Firefly.
Pontiac what?
The Firefly is the Canadian version of the Geo Metro, a car that’s pretty damned efficient out of the box. Cosgrove has upped the efficiency considerably by modifying both the car and his driving style. Mods include wheel skirts, smooth wheel covers, yanking the antenna and other tricks to increase aerodynamic efficiency. He’s got an ignition kill switch mounted on the shifter for pulse-and-glide – a somewhat controversial technique that involves shutting off the engine and coasting – and a ScanGauge 2 to fanatically monitor vehicle stats.
In addition to pulse-and-glide, the techniques Cosgrove used to achieve that stratospheric fuel economy included timing his arrival at stop signs and traffic signals to minimize braking and sticking to the right lane or even moving into the breakdown lane to encourage faster traffic to pass. He also pushed the car part way to the starting line and through the mandatory rest stop to save gas.
Complete story
Hypermiler Gets 99.7 MPG At Green Grand Prix | Autopia | Wired.com