Originally Posted by 14'ecocruze
The explorer doesnt have any cracks that I know of.
This is the exploder crack I was talking about before.
Originally Posted by 14'ecocruze
Well winter is here as I watch my mileage drop I delve deeper into the ideas and projects on this page. From 70 degree weather 50-52 mpg down to 30 degree weather 40-42 mpg. I just recently threw an upper grill block on. Seems to have bumped me up to the middle. Right about 46 most drives. I would like to achieve 48-50 go sustain. My goal of 50+ average.
Sounds like it is time for you to get an engine block heater. I use mine all year round. Could you update your vehicle's garage entry with your current mods? I couldn't find you on the user map, why don't you add yourself to it? Link is in my signature. Make sure to use your username, we have enough "anonymous"'s already.