LOL! Love it!
At a special drag day this summer at the strip close to here they did a "29.5" single run elimination during a break in the action. You were supposed to run as close to 29.5 seconds as possible without breaking out - one pass only. Only a couple of cars ran slow enough. One guy crept along in first gear and ran like 39 seconds, and another was in the 30s somewhere.
The coolest part of the whole event was when some guy pulled up in an old rusted-out Model A (T??) pickup! Had his grandkids with him: one holding a stopwatch,

and one with a balloon and sucking on a tootsie pop. There they go down the strip, waving at folks. I had a grin almost as big as an EV grin

and was giggling like an idiot. I soooo wanted them to win, but they broke out...

...but not by much!
I could have won the event easy. Tried to get my son to run in the GMC, but couldn't talk him into it. All he would have had to do was run up to 30 mph real quick, and then hold it there!

(30 mph = mile in 2 minutes = quarter mile in 30 seconds...) If the cruise would engage at 30 you could have used it, which is somehow so very funny for strategy at a drag strip...