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Old 04-06-2009, 02:51 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 99metro View Post
Listening to the guys at work, you MUST drive 5 mph over the speed limit or you are driving too slow. The speed limit sign actually posts the minimum speed.

I drive 50-52 mph MAX all while driving in the right lane and hugging the white line. I'll even hit the 4 ways on occasion if the traffic approaching behind me is especially heavy.

To each his own.
50mph on a 65mph highway? Like I said, you are causing other people to waste fuel by slowing down and then accelerating around you. There is nothing eco-friendly about that.

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Old 04-06-2009, 03:18 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by winkosmosis View Post
50mph on a 65mph highway? Like I said, you are causing other people to waste fuel by slowing down and then accelerating around you. There is nothing eco-friendly about that.
Actually. . . he said he was in the right lane. If they are not qualified enough to gauge they are catching a car before they have to decelerate, they are not driving safely. One day that lack of attention or inability will cause them to slam into someone else possibly causing injuries or death.

The issue at hand is whether or not I should save a drop of gas or I should save them a drop. screw them, if they are not intelligent enough to understand its not my job to help them. If they are too myopic to understand the idea that going 5 mph faster for an hour will only get them there about 4.5 minutes sooner and cost them safety(aforementioned) and petrol then there is little hope for them. We can only hope they do not procreate.

AND eventually if enough people do it you force the idiots to do it anyway. I'm not advocating being in the left lane hypermiling but if you are in the right lane its
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Old 04-06-2009, 04:29 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ptero View Post

This is ridiculous and antisocial. It leaves me light-headed to read such crap.

I I me I I My

I I I I my


The primary purpose of a highway is to move traffic effeciently. Don't get in the way of that and no one will bother you as you pursue your excellent pastime of hypermiling.
That's a lot of I's and a couple me and my's for a guy who is pointing the finger. (Yup, those are all from you, i erased the rest of the text.)

Either you really think you smell like roses out there, or you didn't know that you don't have to read material you find offense. Once you open a new topic and begin to feel as though the material does not interest you, click the back button on the upper left hand corner of the browser.

Here's the thing, we all drive different cars, and we all have different lives, we all look different but we all have 1 thing in common.

Every Joe Schmoe on the road thinks they are the best driver that ever lived. Truth be told, nobody is - we all make mistakes.

Before you go pointing the finger and saying people are getting you light headed, you need to consider the fact that your post may be equally as pointless and aggravating to some people on the forum as well.

Instead of contributing quality material, you basically put down the opinions of other members, while expressing your own opinion. Not all that different you see?
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Old 04-06-2009, 04:48 PM   #24 (permalink)
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I generally stand by the rule "screw em". I don't drive 20 under the limit. When i'm in my big diesel cube van, i often drive 85km/h in a 100km/h zone that generally has 120km/h traffic. Screw em. I'm not going to DOUBLE my fuel usage and spend hundreds of extra dollars that weekend becaue they don't want to pay enough attention to see my giant white truck in the slow lane soon enough that they can simply signal and move over. You don't need to change your speed in any way to pass someone that's slower than you... you just drive around them. Don't defend the sheep who can't think ahead.

In my car, i generally try to drive 95-100km/h on the highways. I stay in the slow lane. I have certainly had much less stress since i started doing this.

In general, there is NO JUSTIFYING making people break the law in the name of safety. If you want matched speeds, tell the a-hole ramming his big truck up my arse to slow down.
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Old 04-06-2009, 05:43 PM   #25 (permalink)
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There are a lot of people on the road who are trying hard not to disappoint their boss or family by being late. If traffic is such that a slow car disrupts the flow, I don't mind speeding up to the official limit. Driving considerately in traffic is one way to express myself as a social being as well as a cyborg.
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Old 04-06-2009, 08:21 PM   #26 (permalink)
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I just do the damn speed limit... that's what it's there for.

Beyond that, I don't care if you came up behind me like a jerkoff or like a guy who was only going faster because his tires are slightly newer than mine (larger circumference) and our speedo's aren't calibrated to each other precisely. I do not speed up, I do not slow down.

The two exceptions to this rule:

No posted speed limit. I drive 45, max. Usually closer to 35, depending on road condition.

Highways with 65+ speed limits - Yup, you guessed it. I'm the a$$hole in the right lane doing 55-60, and no faster (unless I coast faster.)

I'm nice enough to have my hazard lights on if I'm doing 45 or less, as long as I'm more than 10mph less than posted, but it doesn't happen often.
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Old 04-06-2009, 10:20 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MazdaMatt View Post
I generally stand by the rule "screw em". I don't drive 20 under the limit. When i'm in my big diesel cube van, i often drive 85km/h in a 100km/h zone that generally has 120km/h traffic. Screw em. I'm not going to DOUBLE my fuel usage and spend hundreds of extra dollars that weekend becaue they don't want to pay enough attention to see my giant white truck in the slow lane soon enough that they can simply signal and move over. You don't need to change your speed in any way to pass someone that's slower than you... you just drive around them. Don't defend the sheep who can't think ahead.

In my car, i generally try to drive 95-100km/h on the highways. I stay in the slow lane. I have certainly had much less stress since i started doing this.

In general, there is NO JUSTIFYING making people break the law in the name of safety. If you want matched speeds, tell the a-hole ramming his big truck up my arse to slow down.
I agree with you, Matt. I drive in such a way that I obey the law, I minimize my fuel cost, and I get where I am going on time. I balance these three goals, but I never break the law. When people tailgate me, I just watch my scangauge's engine load drop slightly. Drafting usually benefits both of the cars involved.

The next time someone on the highway gestures for me to roll down my window and then tosses a $20 bill into my car, I'll speed a little in order to get out of their way. However, until speeders pay for my fuel, I'll drive in such a way that I minimize my cost.
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Old 04-06-2009, 10:24 PM   #28 (permalink)
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If someone threw me money so I'd speed up, I'd still be just as focused on getting good mileage as I am now.

It's not all about the money, and even if it was, it's still a matter of waste. Even if someone else is paying for your fuel, now you're just not wasting *your* money... you're wasting theirs. You're still wasting a valuable resource, though, no matter who's paying for it.

I understand that you were being slightly sarcastic when you typed that, but I intended to clear it a bit.
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Old 04-06-2009, 10:30 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Christ View Post

It's not all about the money, and even if it was, it's still a matter of waste. Even if someone else is paying for your fuel, now you're just not wasting *your* money... you're wasting theirs. You're still wasting a valuable resource, though, no matter who's paying for it.
I have no problem wasting someone else's money.

I would prefer to burn less fuel and to conserve a precious resource, and I'd like to keep emissions low (my Mazda is CA ULEV-spec ). Even so, my first priority is to save money and to travel as cheaply as possible.
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Old 04-07-2009, 12:25 AM   #30 (permalink)
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According to the driver's Ed classes in Maryland and the MSF basic rider's course, I am supposed to increase my following distance with the car in front if I am being tailgated. That give me and the tailgater a safety cushion.

Those classes also teach that a speed limit is a upper limit.

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