04-04-2011, 08:23 PM
#11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jedi_sol
Kill Switch - Try this
wiring info is on page 1, PGM-FI location for your car is on page 3
This mod cuts off your fuel injectors/ignition/fuel pump instantaneously. It leaves the ECU on, therefore, the car's odometer/trip meter/scanguague will continue to log miles.
You use this essentially with pulse and gliding...except now, you glide with the engine OFF. Basically its.
1) get up to speed
2) shift to neutral, flip the switch to kill the engine.
3) then bump start in 5th gear to start the car up again.
4) yes, that means you have to bump start every single time. But technically, you dont HAVE to bump start it, however, bump starting saves wear on your key/ignition.
On my usual commute to work, normal driving i get about 28-30mpg. When using engine off coasting, i get 38-40mpg. So, this REALLY helps.
I am considering doing this to my 90 Integra but have a question or two first. First off, do you have to hold the button in for it to work?
Where is a good mounting location for the switch? I looked at shift knobs with a built in 12v switch.
When you removed your side mirror did you do just the pass. side or both? Also, what did you do, if anything, for rear visibility and to cover the holes left from the removal?
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04-04-2011, 10:19 PM
#12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by twelvevoltman
First off, do you have to hold the button in for it to work?
It really depends on the kind of switch you are using. Generally, with a flipping switch, you just flick it off, then flick it on. If you have a push button switch, it still depends on what kind you have. Some require you to push once (to turn off), push again (to turn on). Some require you to push and hold (off), then release (on).
So it really depends.
Originally Posted by twelvevoltman
Where is a good mounting location for the switch? I looked at shift knobs with a built in 12v switch.
Whatever is convenient for you. I just have mine sitting next to my shifter. You may also want to consider putting it somewhere you can easily access it, yet at the same time, NOT accidentally activate it.
Originally Posted by twelvevoltman
When you removed your side mirror did you do just the pass. side or both? Also, what did you do, if anything, for rear visibility and to cover the holes left from the removal?
I removed both driver and passenger side mirrors. In its place, i used a big 4" blind spot mirror mounted on the inside of my driver side door. For rear visability, i used a Convexed wide-angle mirror
Amazon.com: Razo RG22 11.8" Black Frame Wide Angle Flat Rear View Mirror - Pack of 1: Automotive
To cover the holes, i just wedged a piece of coroplast in the opening left by the mirror removal.
Yes, yes yes, removing your side mirrors is illegal in some states. I've been driving mirrorless for over a year and i live next to the police department, so I drive by cops EVERYDAY, they never even notice my missing mirrors. If anything, they notice my wheel skirts more.
And when they do notice my skirts, they point and laugh.
04-04-2011, 10:48 PM
#13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by twelvevoltman
I may be the lone exception to this. My car has an AEM CAI, cheap header and a Greddy MX exhaust, from my ricer days...  and with me doing my part I am knocking on the door of 40 MPG. These are the only real mods I have done to the car. It is a 1990 Acura Integra. When I the snot out of it, 80+mph with the AC blowing I will average 33 MPG. Before these mods, which was at least 7 years ago, I averaged in the upper 20's.
You are not the only one I have a Bosheart Motorsports CAI on my car and noticed a fuel economy increase right away. Check the Suzuki forums all of us that have these intakes noticed a difference. perhaps the Ingera above and Suzuki Reno's are part of an exception. I'm averaging 9.5-9.7L/100km in the city and the car is rated at 12.4L prior to the mods the best I could do was 12 flat.
2 cars one never gets driven the other is an MPG project already at 5% increase in standard driving economy CAI and Pulstar plus. Thinking weight reduction next year.
04-04-2011, 10:49 PM
#14 (permalink)
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What do you do about the car inspections with out the mirrors? ALso Interested in the alternator off switch and how is works? any one have a good link?
04-04-2011, 11:23 PM
#15 (permalink)
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So you want to know what else you can do to your civic?
Under body of course, smoothing it out as it accounts for a large part of the aerodynamic drag, smooth wheels because the top half of the wheel/tire is heading in to the oncoming air flow, thus it's seeing twice the air speed! being a civic you have a number of options, smooth wheel covers, or choosing a stock honda civic wheel that was mostly smooth, the Honda insight from 2000 to 2007 had smooth light wight 14" wheels, getting low rolling resistance tires to go with them would be worth it as well.
You have a Scan Gauge, so you can try warm air intakes and compare it to your cold air intake, but as most people will tell you, they see it as being worth while to go with the warm air intake, it's solid science behind it as well, just like exhaust sizing is based off math so you can find your ideal exhaust size.
04-05-2011, 12:01 AM
#16 (permalink)
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Inflate your tires to max sidewall.
Gearing if you care to dig that deep into your car as SI civics are geared pretty "sporty".
Avoid the brake like the plague.
My kill switch is a push button, Normally closed push to open. It is a brake light switch I forget from what car but most work the same way. You have to hold it down for about 1-3 seconds depending on the RPM that the motor was running at when you pushed it. I mounted mine to my shifter in such a place I can hit it with my thumb or pointer finger with my hand on the shifter.
I usually push it and the clutch at the same time and move the shifter into neutral. I can bump start down to about 10mph in 5th If I miss my speed I can bump start in 3rd down to 5mph, but I don't like doing it in low gears as I feel it is hard on the car.
Learn from the mistakes of others, that way when you mess up you can do so in new and interesting ways.
One mile of road will take you one mile, one mile of runway can take you around the world.
04-05-2011, 01:11 PM
#17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by deathtrain
What do you do about the car inspections with out the mirrors? ALso Interested in the alternator off switch and how is works? any one have a good link?
I could always simply bolt them back on. All of my mods done to my car are completely reversible.
Alternator disable switch mod's effectiveness depends on the car. It worked great on MetroMPG's and Daox's cars. Not so much on my Honda.