Hello everyone!
I've been lurking here for quite a while and reading up on aero mods.
I drive a 96 Jeep Cherokee with a turbo diesel (European model) and at highway speeds (60mph) I'm getting around 28-29mpg. It already has EGT and boost gauges and cruising at 60mph I have an EGT of about 600F before turbo and 5-6 psi boost. Most knowledge is that the lower the EGT and boost, the better the mileage, right?
Tires are a bit bigger diameter than stock. Nothing special about the tread, they look like a highway tire.
I have a 1200 mile road-trip coming up and I plan to do some aero-mods to the Jeep:
Roof-rack cross-bar delete, airdam, grille block, mini-belly pan (gas-tank to rear bumper) and rear tire spats. In that order, depending on the time available.
All mods except the airdam seem rather straight-forward. But I don't have a good idea how to build the airdam.
How low should I make it? Right down to the point that no suspension components are visible? And a bit lower in front of the front tires?
Or something similar to a tray, which starts at the bottom of the stock lip and is angled down?
One more mod I'm doing is a 2.5" exhaust, right after the downpipe. Being a turbo-diesel I think that keeping the backpressure low would improve MPG.
Engine documentation shows lowesc BSFC is at 2000rpm. In 5th gear I should be between 60 and 65mph.
I have pictures of a front airdam used in the SCCA Jeep Comanches. As soon as I can post, I will post them.
This was a long post...