If my limited experience is indicative, in the last decade we lost some pretty
good high MPG drivers, even though they didn't have particularly efficient
cars to work with...
Those that learned to drive during and just after the Great depression...
Like my now a decade gone Old Man.
He knew about aero drag, and explained the value of a Kamm back to us
way back in the '60s. When he retired to South Central Maine, he practiced
"roller coasting," P&G (between 20 and 30 MPH), shut off the ignition at stop
lights, and rolled in neutral with the engine off whenever my Mum wasn't
with him. He put on ~20K miles a year driving around the town as 3rd, 2nd
and 1st Selectman, assessing property, checking on the snow removal
contractors, and delivering the Mail part time, etc.
As he got older, he more frequently used the sand/gravel shoulders
as tell-tales, with the bushes smacking the pax side to tell him he was well
clear of the center of the "rud." What with the slow going and on-and-offing
of the engine it was maddening/exhilarating/worrisome to drive with him.
"Dad! Watch out for that mail box!"
"Don't you worry. It hasn't moved much since I came this way, oh last
month or so."
Still, I miss him a lot. I'd give my Prius to ride with him in one of his
clapped out Ford/Chevy/Mercury/whatever wagons again just one more