Yes, I've been busy. But I promised my pictures, so here they are.
Let me know if you want more or have any questions about my setup.
Basically, the LCD is mounted to some nylon stand-offs (scavenged), you can see them from the front. They are white nylon, but a Sharpie marker makes them less obvious.
The Freeduino v2.0 is mounted to the removable back using stand-offs. The guts of the interface are contained on the Protoshield. Since the shield is connected to the LCD, the shield can be disconnected and the Freeduino completely removed, or even replaced, without disrupting the device - easy service or upgrade.
The power connector was scavenged from a PC; I was able to find both the male and female ends. This one is the one with the pins, which less common in this form, normally found on the drives. The typical ones are easily cut from an existing PC power supply and will be used as ends in the vehicles. It actually came from an inline fan connector that had both ends designed to be stuck in between an existing power setup versus tapping into a motherboard connector.
The buttons are contact buttons scavenged from an old VCR (many moons ago, too cute to discard!

). I drilled two holes and hot glued them to the surface with the leads inside the case.
The case is a 2x2.5x5 from the Shack.
This is something the wife won't mind sitting in the vehicle with her!