The aeromods will nearly not help in city. DWB (Driving Without Brakes) is easy to learn and doesn't slow you down noticeably. I'm going faster in round-abouts than other people during light traffic. You will also go faster through lights.
With DWB you can coast in neutral or in gear. I'm living a brand new experience by coasting in neutral with my tires pumped-up at sidewall

. OK, I'm not yet at sidewall (51 psi) but my current (47) is better than the placard (33), and I have seen a really positive difference from 43 to 47.
And don't forget to have fun, because it's easier if it's a game
I will not say you that aeromods doesn't help : it took me 2 months to equal the single tank I made with my rear wheel skirts. But once the driving techniques are learned they are automatism and you doesn't think about them. I remember how I was focused on my driving at the beginning, now that some are automatisms I'm much more relaxed and it's sort of a game