I did not see how you torqued all the front end parts after installation.
As an Auto Tech for the last 35 years allow me to offer a little advice. (You may have done this, but others might need to hear it)
When putting final torque on any suspension parts, the weight of the car should be on the wheels. You can either put the car on the ground and reach through to torque, or, place jack stands at the hub, or under the lugs, and torque in the air.
*When using stands at the edges of the suspension, be sure to have some under, but not touching the frame. Just in case.*
If the wheels are hanging free, while you are tightening the suspension, this places unnatural stress on the bushings.
The bushings will be loaded at an angle, rather than being loaded while in their sprung position.
This leads to premature bushing failure. You spent hard earned dollars for those bushings. (very nice BTW) You do not want to buy new ones again in 12 to 18 months because these are already half twisted when you put the car on the ground.
Or, to put it another way, the bushings think the car is bottomed out, rather than sitting level. Then when the car does bounce on a dip, the bushings become over rotated in their brackets.
I hope you get your FE back. It is a splendid job you have done. I am sure when you tell the wife you are spending less on fuel she will forgive you entirely. (after you use the savings to take her to dinner
