Originally Posted by redpoint5
My air compressor doesn't communicate with the wall before it draws excessive amounts of energy, nor does it check to see that it's properly grounded. (I got locked out the other day when I left my compressor on, closed the garage door that was on the same circuit, and the breaker tripped while I was gone).
I don't know why EVs are an exception to how everything else works.
It's normally about then that you realise you had the breaker box installed inside the garage.
I fully understand the need for an electric car not to exceed the current capacity of the charging station/outlet but the most reliable way to do this has always been a physical preventative.
Different pin sizes or configurations for different current capacities.
Spending many hundreds of dollars for a relay doesn't seem like a fair thing.
My personal impression is that for most commercial products it isn't about the cost of manufacture but about what the market will pay.
Electric cars are expensive, people buying them expect them to be expensive so why not sell them an expensive relay as well.
Even the charge cable itself, no more copper in it that a regular car jumper cable. Yet they charge nearly 10 times what the jumper cable costs.
Yes, yes, limited market, need to recoup design costs etc. but it's just a cable!
At work they were discussing a product (not car related) and when a technician asked about the procedure for ordering a replacement power supply the response was. "The entire unit costs us less than $9, by the time you undo the screws to get to the power supply you are already losing us money. Just throw the entire unit in the bin and put a new one in its place."
They sell those products to the public (i would estimate at least a million units sold) for a bit over $360 each!
Must be difficult to make a profit hey?