Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Don't forget to also credit the "good weather" you point out in your fuel log. Temperature has a significant impact as well.
Congrats on beating 55 mpg!
Thanks MetroMPG!
Good point about the weather. I don't get credit for that change though. I also realized I need to come up with an error factor for my odometer. I know it is currently around 1% high but I need more data from my GPS. I'll have to update all my fuel logs once I'm comfortable with the data. It will take my average down but shouldn't by much.
I had a friend bring his gps to compare with mine once, they were usually within 2mph but I'm not sure if it was due to lag/update delay (also he didn't know how to access trip odometer on his gps). This variance is what has kept me from just applying my offset. I want to make sure I trust the GPS data within a certain margin of error.