cool, i pm'd you my email. I also think I have the read input figured out! the arduino has a pulsein() function that returns how many microseconds a digital pin is held high for. I'm storing these times in an array, which I'm then converting those times to binary values, and then converting to hex, at which point I pull the necessary bytes for the calculations, lol, lots of conversions going on. I'm just hoping the poor little arduino will be able to take it without tanking on me. I really need to get a serial adapter for my laptop so I don't have to take it inside everytime I make a code change.
UPDATE: I got everything narrowed down, logic looks good and it compiles cleanly now after several modifications! I'm going to send it to the board tomorrow and test it in the car. I'm not exactly confident with my method, and I think it'll take a LOT of serial console debugging, but I kinda just want to see how the arduino handles it. I'll check it into the repository when I'm more confident with it.
Last edited by n8thegr8; 07-04-2008 at 01:02 AM..