Originally Posted by eimix
Is there any more ideas and feature requests?
i'm in mood to develope something 
Not a feature request, but if possible could you test ISO reinit / ecu polling with 187 to verify that I'm not losing my mind. i.e. build with all the default settings for ISO9141. If I don't disable #define do_ISO_Reinit and #define skip_ISO_Init mine never passes iso_init() and I'm not seeing the reason through the cloud of conditional compilation blocks.
One suggestion I would make (if it's not already being done and I just overlooked it) is mandatory caching of the RPM pid in each tick of loop() instead of casting it into a boolean value. You're already polling the ECU for it, why not store it and save comm bandwidth for other pids. VSS is another candidate for mandatory caching. EDIT: I found the PID Caching, think it could be improved to help with menu responsiveness.
I would also echo TurboTorben on one aspect of the bignum screens. Make them both user configurable the same way the regular font screens are. Also, it appears that the decimal point placement on the first bigNum is off by one (possibly only when using US units).
Lastly, allow for (read: make default) the removal of the security screen when do_ISO_Reinit is enabled. It's unclear what it accomplishes functionally, but it seems a bit of a waste of precious flash memory.
EDIT: Another possible bug, and another feature request:
save_params_and_display() seems to be getting executed unecessarily. This may be specific to my application, but I'm not seeing the reason why. EDIT: NEVERMIND

found the cause, seems like it might be pid caching.
Request: Power Management
Has SLEEP_MODE_IDLE ever been attempted? Disable ADC? Just thinking out loud. 50ma won't kill a healthy battery too quickly, but if not kept on a battery maintainer it won't take long before that healthy battery is sulfated beyond recovery.