Have you checked the thermal properties of that silver epoxy? I know that some types lose strength when heated.
Also looking at your wondrous bending it occurs to me that it might be worth one of your machining savvy contributors making a simple two piece die that forms the bends for you. Insert legs press remove do the next one, could save heaps of time. I am sure one of the group will understand what I mean.
Hey BC,
U5x is four parts of the same IC, it is a SN74HC00 which is a bog standard device, quad two input NAND gate. Most all electronics suppliers will have them for about 25 cents.
Thanks Sqiggles
By the time I finish following this forum I may start to understand some of what you are saying.
I have never touched a circuit board before but when I blew my Curtis 1231C I tried to understand what went wrong, I have replaced a Trany "TIP41C" now will put it back together and try it in the car tomorow.
Here is a tip for all you non electronics people.
See if you can get your hands on a book called TTL Cookbook by Don Lancaster.
It was first published in the mid 70's and presumable had some updates. It covers lots of the basic principles of digital electronics and you will be surprised what you can learn from it. It is a bit 'old fashioned' by today's standards but the basics still apply.
The very old copy I have is ISBN 0-672-21035-5
Hey roverT! I can send you all the stuff for revision 2C if you want it (but need email address). I need to add it to the web site, and link it to the wiki, but I haven't yet. Anyone else can do that if they want to. Want to see something really really really pretty and awesome?! We have Hondo to thank for these!
Oh heck ya... They are absolutely perfect. And I mean perfect. Inside clearance of maybe 0.25 or 0.3 inches on the sides and the top. It's perfect. And I've never seen such high quality aluminum sheet metal! And they are super light and strong! YA! And absolutely perfect bends! Thank you Hondo, for EVERYTHING that you did for us! Thank you!
I was just sitting here thinking about end caps! Well, and how I should get ready for summer school tomorrow...
I have some Lexan in the garage that I can cut into end caps. it's going to look like a pile of crap compared to Hondo's work. Maybe I can mill them? I don't know. I don't even really know the exact locations of where the bus bars are sticking out. I"m just sort of winging it.