Originally Posted by xtian999
Still looking at my kit and wondering. Why put the brain inside with the mosfets at all? It could be separated by a cable and thus free from the radio frequencies and heat. Keep a couple extras around for field servicing. Use the mounting plate inside to put a fan right over the mosfets.
Does anyone ever mount capacitors or mosfets on plugs so they can be replaced when they blow?
Do I need 12 batteries to get 144 volts, or can fewer be amplified to drive the controller?
The reason you solder Mosfet's and Cap's are simple... You create large losses with a "plug in"... And it's not the right place to introduce losses...
The reason for the control board near the powerstage is the same... Make the PWM lead to long (where you plan to put "flexible leads") and you get losses, resulting in the whole thing going bonkers...
Agreed you could make the controller better separated in terms of HF shielding... But You really, really want the controller card close to the powerstage... A cable longer than adding a few inches is not something I'd recommend...
And the last question... Again... Say it with me... "Losses!"...

Yeah you can amplify things... But you loose more in the process than you can ever gain...
"Thinking outside the box" is a good thing... But sometimes things are done in a certain way because all others failed...