05-03-2022, 01:00 PM
#11 (permalink)
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Dang no wonder none of yiu guys are running cfd software for aero on your omputers
Other popular topics in this forum...
05-03-2022, 01:26 PM
#12 (permalink)
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Are you?
I've got everything I need except the ability program in Python. The M1 Mini can run Blender and it has incorporated OpenVDB. I'm convinced its physics engine could do CFD. It might be possible to do it in Geometry Nodes. What do you think?
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.Because much of what is in the published literature is nonsense,
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05-03-2022, 01:44 PM
#13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard
Are you?
I've got everything I need except the ability program in Python. The M1 Mini can run Blender and it has incorporated OpenVDB. I'm convinced its physics engine could do CFD. It might be possible to do it in Geometry Nodes. What do you think?
I don’t have the money to buy the cfd program and then it’s like another 80 bucks to even download a 3D model of the Ioniq
05-03-2022, 01:55 PM
#14 (permalink)
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I'd be happy to run any calcs for people considering I have a 24 core server that's pretty much idle. It's also got a Tesla P100 GPU meant for compute and not for video output.
GPU Architecture NVIDIA Pascal
NVIDIA CUDA® Cores 3584
Double-Precision Performance 4.7 TeraFLOPS
Single-Precision Performance 9.3 TeraFLOPS
Half-Precision Performance 18.7 TeraFLOPS
GPU Memory 16GB CoWoS HBM2 at 732 GB/s or 12GB CoWoS HBM2 at 549 GB/s
System Interface PCIe Gen3
Max Power Consumption 250 W
Thermal Solution Passive
Form Factor PCIe Full Height/Length
Compute APIs CUDA, DirectCompute, OpenCL™, OpenACC
05-03-2022, 02:32 PM
#15 (permalink)
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I don’t have the money to buy the cfd program and then it’s like another 80 bucks to even download a 3D model of the Ioniq
I don't know what they mean by 'Minimum account required: Free with uploads' but there is a download button. There're 3,145,818 polygons in 3ds Max.
Blender is Free and Open Source. That is it's strength.
edit: So, I looked around a bit. Everything seems to be 2-3 years old and a lot has changed in that time, Open VDB and Geometry Nodes for starters.
This provides a pipeline Flexi>Paraview>Blender.
In this post, we are going to show you how to take post-processed data from a CFD solver and render them in Blender, allowing you to present your simulation results in a eye-catching way. We are using data produced by FLEXI and post-process them using ParaView, but the procedure is applicable to other toolchains as well. The focus is on how to use Blender to render already post-processed data, so there will be no step-by-step instructions on how to obtain the data – only a rough overview will be given in that regard.
So, does Paraview support OpenVDB? From 2021-09:
https://discourse.paraview.org › t › build-paraview-with-openvdb › 7983
build paraview with openvdb - ParaView Support - ParaView
We're in the process of updating the ParaView superbuild to include the third party libraries needed for this. The other option is for you to build the third party libraries (e.g. OpenVDB, Blosc, OpenEXR, TBB, etc.) yourself and make sure that CMake finds them properly during the ParaView configuration process.
Paraview is Open Source: https://www.paraview.org/overview/
IMHO the enabling technology is Geometry Node editing.
https://docs.blender.org › manual › en › latest › modeling › geometry_nodes › index.html
Geometry Nodes — Blender Manual
Curve Spiral Node. Quadratic Bézier Node. Quadrilateral Node. Star Node. Geometry Nodes. Bounding Box Node. Convex Hull Node. Delete Geometry Node. Geometry Proximity Node.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.Because much of what is in the published literature is nonsense,
and much of what isn’t nonsense is not in the scientific literature.
-- Sabine Hossenfelder
Last edited by freebeard; 05-03-2022 at 03:10 PM..
05-03-2022, 03:01 PM
#16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard
it says either pay for the model or if you upload your own model, you can get a download
05-03-2022, 03:21 PM
#17 (permalink)
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It was just the only result on CG Trader. I'd start with DMI Car 3D Models but they don't have a category for Hyundai.
Note that I edited #15 nine minutes after you posted.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.Because much of what is in the published literature is nonsense,
and much of what isn’t nonsense is not in the scientific literature.
-- Sabine Hossenfelder
05-03-2022, 09:35 PM
#18 (permalink)
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Ecomodders still ecomod?! Pics or it never happened! :D
Apparently my desktop has a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745. I don't know what that is, but I am not impressed.
I absolutely cannot find out how much RAM it has. Google just says "Up to 4GB." Windows doesn't give me any information beyond the name. None of the information Google shows appears in Settings.
Not even my various Nvidia programs tell me how much I have.
I haven't tried playing World of Warcraft on here since I bought the laptop, except one time I tried to check something in-game while I was talking to someone on Zoom and Nvidia reallocated all of my system resources to the game, but Zoom stopped working, so I quit the game.
While I put 32 GB in here and the laptop only has 16, the laptop does everything much faster, so when I have the time to play, I play on my laptop.
I occasionally Gimp on here, but of course it is faster on the laptop.
It looks like I can get a RTX 3050 for around $350 and allegedly it would be almost six times as fast as my desktop GPU.
Allegedly it is also faster than the AMD Ryzen™ 7 4700U in my laptop!
The difference is all CPU?
I really don't want to spend $350 unnecessarily right now! 
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
05-03-2022, 10:11 PM
#19 (permalink)
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I absolutely cannot find out how much RAM it has.
Yur funny.  Why don't you ask it? IDK the Windows Terminal, but on a free OS it's "cat /proc/meminfo" [without the quotes].
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.Because much of what is in the published literature is nonsense,
and much of what isn’t nonsense is not in the scientific literature.
-- Sabine Hossenfelder
05-04-2022, 04:58 PM
#20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xist
Apparently my desktop has a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745. I don't know what that is, but I am not impressed.
I really don't want to spend $350 unnecessarily right now! 
Looks... old. Plays old games extremely well though.
I expect GPUs to be peanuts once crypto mining finally goes T-up. Certainly wouldn't buy one now at inflated prices.