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Old 02-04-2025, 10:45 PM   #301 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Yeah, I had that too and figured it was a video game console because of the cartridges. Nobody showed me that it contained the Basic programming language.

Happy I avoided a career in software development though. I don't have the attention span to implement customer requirements, which are always dumb.
I just had one cartridge. The rest I did in programming and recording programs to tape. It was kind of fun. I remember programing my own programs that would do things for me, like be an alarm clock and beep in the morning or model gravity from planets and such.

Now you just download an app and watch some commercials.

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Old 02-08-2025, 02:32 AM   #302 (permalink)
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I walked out of clinicals. My coordinator is furious.

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
How long does it take to open hundreds of tabs? Do you use a script?
A couple of minutes and no, I wouldn't know how.

My first computer was a Packard Bell Turbo XT with a handy power button that switched from 50% speed to 100%.
It ran MS DOS 3.3.

Actually, before that we had a TI 99/4A for some reason, which had cartridges, although floppy drives were available, and maybe even a Winchester.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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Old 02-11-2025, 09:45 PM   #303 (permalink)
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Don't hit me bro - '05 Toyota Camry LE
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I honestly worried that I would be kicked out of school. I got an attorney. Everything is better now.


I was supposed to work charter school, but I spent a month asking what I needed to do to start, and she didn't answer questions and didn't answer my e-mails a few times.
She finally told my coordinator that she couldn't work with me and he still yells at me about it even though I updated him each time that I e-mailed her, that in her previous e-mail she wrote 4 paragraphs that didn't say anything, definitely didn't answer any of my questions, and then wrote "Please let me know if you don't think this is the best site for you."
I relayed that to my coordinator, mentioned it sounded like she didn't want to work with me, and he agreed--yet he keeps blaming me for the woman who clearly didn't want to work with me deciding to not work with me.

Then, many years ago, a married friend left her husband, I felt the need to remind her that she was married.
She ended up confronting me in her parking lot and demanding all kinds of questions without giving me a chance to respond.
She was too close for me to close the door on my Civic coupe, so I kept trying to find a chance to respond.
She finally took half a step back, I was finally able to close my door, drove off, and we didn't talk for years.

When I received the e-mail address for my last SLP, I immediately e-mailed her and kept following up.
She said that we needed to chat virtually, but it took a while to get her to schedule something, January 3rd at 1pm and I confirmed, but she no-showed.
I e-mailed a few times and set alarms to check my e-mail every hour on the hour, but at 5 I resumed taking care of my endless obligations.
At 1800, she e-mailed me stating "Sorry, I needed to cover someone else's client. Be here January 6th at 8am."
She couldn't have been professional enough to write me "Sorry, can't make it?"

I had relationships that just weren't working out.
I tried to discuss our issues and they shouted "I'm not a mind reader!"

She had the 9-year SLPA and second-year SLP student observe for the first week.
She identified as a Spanish speaker and mentioned a student having difficulty spelling [in English]
Do you realize how nonsensical English spelling is?!

I had a TW2002 character named "Ptoughneigh," pronounced "Tony," thanks for asking.

I don't know where this exact quote originated, but writer James Nicoll wrote it first appeared on a t-shirt:
English doesn’t “borrow” from other languages: it follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar and valuable vocabulary.
Nicoll... how is that pronounced "Nickel?" "Nicole?" Anyway, he wrote:
The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse *****. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.
[T]hey changed the phrasing to avoid paying me

Brian Regan has said many times:
I remember my teacher asked me, "Brian, what's the 'i' before 'e' rule?"
"'i' before 'e'... ALWAYS."
"What are you, an idiot, Brian?"
"So, she explains `No, Brian, it's 'i' before 'e'. except after c and when sounding like 'a' as in neighbor and weigh, and on weekends and holidays and all throughout May, and you'll always be wrong no matter what you say!'"
"That's a hard rule. That's a— that's a rough rule."
Maybe you would find it funnier if you saw him say it himself... in 1992: https://youtu.be/JNfTuFbH_sE?si=Pe-RNrr_Glg-GHWk&t=1035
(at the 17:15 mark if it doesn't proc)

The client couldn't spell English, which is understandable.
The only word that I ever remember that doesn't follow the simple rules of Spanish pronunciation is "cónjuge," which means "Spouse."
I mentioned this to my supervisor the first week and she asked "Who says that?! I've never heard that word!"
So what, gringa?

I should have started cotreating January 13th.
She gave me a Google doc schedule and started adding responsibilities like planning activities and writing notes afterward.
I was supposed to start working independently, but not only did that never happen, but she allowed me to cotreat less and less.
She either told me to observe or she worked nonstop and never gave me a chance to contribute, so I didn't report those hours, which didn't matter, because she never signed off on them, or signed the check-in sheets I e-mailed her every Thursday.
January 28th, 15 days after I started cotreating and planning for some sessions, I came in several minutes early, probably before her, reviewed the previous three notes, and didn't have any idea what to do for the first session.
I had never treated someone with that diagnosis or targeted those goals.
Before I could search for goals, my supervisor asked "WhatareyougoingtodoWhatareyougoingtodoWhatareyoug oingtodoWhatareyougoingtodoWhatareyougoingtodo?"
Seriously, she asked over and over without giving me a chance to respond.
Why did she do that?!
I struggled to just think of an answer.
I finally found the opportunity to say "I wasn't able to figure out activities."
She ran the session without giving me a chance to contribute.
There were a few times when she asked what I was going to do and she allowed me to start, but when I needed to adapt, she just took over, and never allowed me to contribute again.

This was weird, but I thought it would be okay until last week.
I actually worked more with another SLP with 1.5 years of experience, which may have been a problem because supervisors were required to have 2 years of experience, so if she only supervised me 40% of the time the second week, she didn't fulfill her commitment.
Thursday of the week before last, she wanted to plan last week, and she brought up the one morning I hadn't had a chance to plan.
I had clients until 4pm the afternoon before, wrote notes, and rushed home to my class.
Maybe I should have been there earlier that morning, but that was the only morning that I ran out of time before our first client in 5 weeks.

Why was one session the single most important part of 5 weeks?
She kept saying that I could always ask her or the other SLP questions, but I couldn't ask Monday afternoon, I needed to get to class.
I couldn't ask Monday night because I didn't have access to anything but my schedule outside of the clinic and we usually went from client to client during the day.
I didn't have the time to plan days ahead, but for everyone else, I could look at their goals and plan activities.
I have done that for almost 10 years.

When she brought up that session again, I wondered "Is she going to perseverate on this for the rest of my time here?"
The other SLP wasn't there last week, it was chaos, and nobody told me anything.
Almost everyone there had never had a therapy job everywhere else and there was a high turnover, like people left once they could get a better job.

I don't know what my supervisor was doing Wednesday morning, but her client was waiting for her, so I went out, talked to the mom, had the girl pick out a game, had her sit where my supervisor could see us, and worked with her independently until my supervisor came and took over, never giving me a chance to say anything the rest of the session.

I e-mailed my advisor saying that clinicals weren't going well and summarized my concerns.

My supervisor told a brand-new SLPA to work with the other SLP's first client and when the family arrived, I led the SLPA out to meet them, introduced everyone, and worked.
I walked the daughter and the SLPA back and chatted with the mom.
The other SLP had me report to the parents after previous sessions.
I told the dad of the next client that we would be right with him.
When I finished chatting with the mom, I went to talk with the dad, who also knew me.
He had sat in sessions and started to come with me, but an Occupational Therapist said "Sorry, we canceled the appointment, but I guess you didn't get it."
I asked if I could work with him.
"We don't have anyone to bill." [to the dad] "Do you want to cancel for the week?"
The dad who drove through horrible traffic to get there agreed and left.

My supervisor pulled me for the midterm review and had the OT join.
When my coordinator yelled at me for 90 minutes, he had 2-3 people sit in.
Why do people always gang up on me to criticize me?!

She spent 30 minutes making arguments in bad faith and asking the same questions over and over again, expecting different results.
I am in the second year of this program.
I have worked in the field for almost 10 years.
I never would have gotten this far, not in school, and not at work, if I were nearly as incompetent as she indicated.
The other SLP seemed to get along with me fine and I plan on reaching out when everything settles to thank her for working with me and to say that I hope that everything worked out (since she missed at least a week of work).
I wish she had been in that session, she would have had constructive criticism.
My supervisor insisted that I was incapable of picking up clients, walking them back afterward, and talking with their parents even though I kept pointing out that I had done that for almost ten years, I did that the day before and that morning and I told her with whom.
She insisted that I never planned for sessions and finally said she assumed that because I never discussed my plans with her.
With the lady too busy to keep commitments or eat lunch?
She insisted that I could always ask her or the other SLP, who never seemed to be there when I needed her, yet always acted angry when I asked her questions.
She kept complaining that I never filled out lesson plan forms even after I pointed out I never saw one and she never sent me a copy.
She only stopped when I told her to send it to me and I would fill it out for every session from then on.
I asked if there was anything else and they didn't know what to say.

I received a text from my coordinator.
He told me to call him.
I didn't have anything scheduled for hours, so what was I going to do, stress about failing clinicals this quarter?
He yelled at me and told me to do everything she said.
"The problem is that she never communicated her expectations and now I am failing."
"That is her prerogative."
"Am I supposed to stay here for 5 weeks when she will undoubtedly fail me?"

I walked back, grabbed my lunch, and went to eat in the kitchen when I heard my supervisor and that OT loudly complaining about me.
They did that during the midterm review, too!
She said that she planned on failing me for the final and someone replied "Good."
That was the owner!
I went to lunch and immediately sent my coordinator a text that my supervisor loudly said she was going to fail me for the final and the owner said "Good."
I waited and stressed for an hour, but never heard back, but he seems to make a point of ignoring me when I ask him what to do.
I finally grabbed my stuff, walked out, and called him asking him to inform the clinic that we no longer require their services.

I needed to explain that a few times.
He ordered me to return and I said "I'm afraid I can't do that, Sir."
My clinical coordinator asked what I expected of him.
[besides telling the clinic I wasn't returning,] I told him that I expected him to find me a new site.
[record scratch]
I don't regret what I do in anger, I regret what I don't think of in a timely fashion.
He has yelled at me multiple times.
My supervisor and the OT yelled at me.
I didn't raise my voice to anyone, but the OT complained when I talked over her.
She refused to answer my question and I said "I'll take that as a yes."
Thirty minutes of complaining I didn't do things she didn't mention, bad faith arguments, and refusing to answer questions.
I can ask questions, but she would angrily refuse to answer them.

I wish that I had been smart enough to say "Sir, I expect you to find me a site for next quarter, and as always I will start as soon as I can."
If you ignore everything else, please inform me whether you feel that would have been a responsible reply.

He told me that he was offended and I informed him that was his prerogative.
"I don't want to continue this conversation anymore."
"Great! What time tomorrow?"
"All right, enjoy your day, and I will see you tomorrow!"
[he hung up]

But I would not see him the next day.
After two 90-minute blame fests, I didn't feel that I could report for a third without an attorney.
The first time, they had me sign something saying that they didn't find me a site, so I received an incomplete, and if I messed up again, I would fail the quarter.
Then I asked to reschedule an appointment that interfered with me getting the minimum clinical hours and my coordinator told me that I failed clinicals.
How could I find an attorney on 12 hours' notice?

I called the attorney we used for Dad's wrongful death suit, but one of their lawyers works for my school.
I called the attorney in Show Low, but he ignored me.
I started reaching out to lawyers around here and one confirmed they didn't work with my school, but I didn't hear back before my appointment, so I e-mailed my professors saying I couldn't make it, our shower sprung a leak, and I needed to clean up the mess and find a plumber.

Then I spent $200 on plumbing and drywall materials, cut open the wall, and that is as far as I got.
I needed to return for drywall clips.
My tools are in Show Low--and in my backpack at the clinic.
Oh, I am positive that I have one or two sets of tools in the garage, but I haven't seen them in months, and I have ransacked that space a few times recently.

I just got another 10x20 locker because when I went to ours February First, the lock was cut, and it was cleared out.
I called the office 4 days in a row, it went straight to corporate, and they never knew what to do.
The second day, they told me to go in, but the manager was off, although people always promised that he would reach out the next day.
On the fourth day, corporate filed an official complaint against him, saying he had 72 hours to respond, but he didn't, so I called corporate again, and they made some random manager talk to me.
She just said she couldn't help me and would have him call me.
I called back and they finally got a hold of him.
He claimed he would review security and get back to me later that day, but he didn't, so I sent him a text the next day, and the following--today.

I was tired of struggling to get this guy to do his job, so I finally filed a claim with USAA, and the manager finally called back.

He said they told another renter, who was behind on his payments, to pay up or they would auction off his stuff, so he paid, they cut my lock, and he took our stuff.
So, now I am supposed to negotiate with the stranger who has our stuff.

I continue to have all kinds of problems with all of my computers.
Well, not necessarily the gaming computer, I have been busy enough just trying to square away the other 3.
Zoom has gone black when another party shared their screen, which meant I couldn't see lectures.
Last Tuesday, I ended up doing therapy with Mom's laptop because I couldn't get either Dell or my laptop to connect right.
For some reason, I wanted to install Windows on the new hard drive for my old Dell while the original SSD was still installed.
I read that I could, but it installed Win10 over Win11, and wiped all of my programs and personal files.
I had just backed up everything.
I can't find any of my flash drives.
When I do, I will finally replace the HD on my old Dell, and install a fresh copy of Windows, with all new stuff on it.
I combined my files from my laptop and desktop.
I really need to go through all of that!

I don't know what is going on with my laptop.
I haven't used it much because I haven't needed it for clinicals since November, but unless I get a new placement soon, I need to bring it to school.
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"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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Old 02-11-2025, 10:55 PM   #304 (permalink)
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An exhausting read as usual.

Is everyone in your profession insane hard to deal with?

Work to plumbing to cut locks. ...to the fount of joy that is Windows.

"I before E, except after C Or when sounded as A as in 'neighbor' and 'weigh' " -- trust the science.
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

You can't be wise and in love at the same time. -- Bob Dylan

Last edited by freebeard; 02-11-2025 at 11:12 PM..
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Old 02-12-2025, 10:03 AM   #305 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
An exhausting read as usual.

Is everyone in your profession insane hard to deal with?.
In my experience, yes they are, either path..

Strikes me there is some sort of fraternal secret handshake greeting required, or some sort of behavioral supplication process @Xist missed out on. Or so looks to me, but I avoid "connselors" like they have plague.
casual notes from the underground:There are some "experts" out there that in reality don't have a clue as to what they are doing.
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Old 02-12-2025, 11:01 AM   #306 (permalink)
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Strikes me there is some sort of fraternal secret handshake greeting required, or some sort of behavioral supplication process @Xist missed out on.
That's consistent with my experience.
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

You can't be wise and in love at the same time. -- Bob Dylan
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Old 02-12-2025, 02:31 PM   #307 (permalink)
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Again, my counseling professor counseled me multiple times to spend the extensive time and money to get tested for Autism even though I kept saying there wouldn't be any obvious benefit.
Everyone at the VA thinks I need to focus on Autism (which they don't cover) instead of ADHD.

I had an appointment yesterday with some nice lady at the VA.
She only told me her name, Dr. Something, but not Doctor of What.
The VA didn't give me additional information.
She listened to me complain for more than our allotted time, made sympathetic faces, and said "I'm sorry, that's hard," which was nice, but she sent me off with an 8-page packet I wish she had e-mailed me so I could have Snoop Dogg read.

I skimmed it, though, and they pretty much only treat anxiety, depression, and anger.
I passed all of my classes despite my ADHD and perhaps having Autism, but I don't know why I keep having difficulties with my clinical supervisors.

Yes yes yes, everyone blames me, but nobody says what I am supposed to do differently--except:

The next part is relevant to my school: "While I enjoy your parents' enormous fortune."

My coordinator insisted the professional thing to do was to stay, do everything my supervisor said, be miserable, and fail.

My supervisor would be miserable, too!

Doesn't he care about her?!

In her 30-minute rant, she never said "I told you to do X and you didn't!" just "You never planned!"
I absolutely did.
"You never discussed your plans with me!"
We never had much time to talk and she never said "Let's discuss your plans" except for immediately before sessions--right after the previous one--before I had a chance to refer to my notes.
Apparently, I needed to carry around an up-to-date binder, which I didn't find out until I failed the midterm.
She also complained that I didn't complete lesson plan forms, which she had not told me to do, nor had I ever seen them.
The problem wasn't that I didn't follow directions, the problem was that she didn't tell me what she wanted me to do, and then said "I didn't know I needed to tell you! I'm not a mind reader!"

The SLP before her was great and wonderful--and complained how poorly speech therapists communicate.

The SLP before her was the one who wasted over a month of my life and wrote "Please let me know if this isn't the best site for you."
My coordinator agreed she didn't seem to want to work with me.
He blamed me for that, but it wasn't like she initially acted cooperative, she gave me the runaround from the beginning.

Before her was the clinic that said "We haven't finalized that decision" for months and then said the SLP they picked out to supervise me didn't see clients with them.

Before was an SLP who was great and wonderful, but had difficulty getting along with everyone but me.

Before that SLP was the one who fired me after two days and said she didn't like how I replied to feedback.
I said "Yes, Ma'am."
What else was I supposed to say?
She claimed that I picked up kids, but I didn't pick up kids, she did.
I asked "We're allowed to pick up kids? I have never picked up kids."

When I was growing up, my family regularly said that I tried to be annoying.

"What?! No! I'm not trying to be annoying!"
"So, you're naturally annoying!"

I didn't come from a nurturing home...

If I see something that annoyed potential supervisors before we even started, it is actively following up.
It would have been preferable if that were a slower failure?

I always wonder if that first SLP got rid of me because we had 10-hour shifts, lots of cancelations and no-shows, and I passed the time by trying to chat with her.

Class hadn't started yet.
I didn't have far too many things to do yet.

At the same time, my supervisor in Page said "You're a boy! You're weird!"

I was a 38-year-old 6'2" man with facial hair, so calling me a boy was strange.

Was I inherently weird to her for being male?

I am still working on my research project and at least several participants report being excluded for being men.

Women have complaints like "Other women are jealous of my beauty" and "Other women tell me to make more of an effort with my appearance."

I forget what one participant shared, but it was something like being told "You are surprisingly competent for a man."

When I applied to Show Low Public Schools, they didn't want a good SLPA who would fight for their students, they wanted a new friend, and they didn't want to be friends with me.

When I met the new students, I talked about trying to work with my classmates, and one of the students said "They are just being petty girls."
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"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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Old 02-12-2025, 04:23 PM   #308 (permalink)
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Was I inherently weird to her for being male?

I am still working on my research project and at least several participants report being excluded for being men.
It's been going around. Scott Adams points to himself as an early example.
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

You can't be wise and in love at the same time. -- Bob Dylan
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Old 02-12-2025, 09:23 PM   #309 (permalink)
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Try more virtuous identities on the intersectional victimhood hierarchy. That'll still probably work for a few more months.
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Old 02-14-2025, 04:43 PM   #310 (permalink)
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Over the years it seems that you have butted heads with every supervisor you have had. You either complain they don't communicate what they want or you complain the way they want things done is stupid and you are going to do things your own way.

They are the boss - you do things their way - end of story. You still don't seem to have learned this basic reality of being an employee.

Also - if everyone is telling you that you need to be treated for autism - you likely need to be treated for autism. That would go a long way to explaining why you can't seem to communicate effectively with your supervisors and maybe treatment will help with that.

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