Peugeot 106 diesel 1.5L does 75mpg !
ive only done three fill-ups so far but one of them was 51mpg and the next was 98mpg. this gives an average of 75mpg. 387 miles, 23 liters total.
i wasn't expecting this at all because it has been raining and i thought the second reading would be worse. the gas station was on a slope and i had foam comming out the tank as i filled. i think the averate reading is accurate. the next tank will tell.
i have done wing mirror delete, mud flaps del, aerial del, and inflated tires but i think the main reason is good technique and good base vehicle.
i will have to increase my target to 80mpg!
Nissan Leaf 24kwh. Average FE = 300mpg 3.6miles/kwh (@plug)