Hi all,
This is my first post here. First, thanks for everyones contributions to developing this great controller!
Mine has worked well for about two years.
I used to have a Fourthgen pot box in my car. It wore out recently and I decided to go through the modifications necessary to use a Hall efect sensor.
Everything should be done. The RTExplorer shows a nice throttle graph. The graph stays at zero for the first few degrees and then starts to follow the movement.
So it seems to be working but there is a "throttle voltage fault" and the yellow led blinks.
The throttle I have now is an Evnetics (Soliton) OEM throttle position sensor ( i know..first the cheapest and then the bling)
I have tried different t-min-rc, t-max-rc and t-fault-rc settings.
According to wikipedia a throttle position sensor can be either Hall effect, induction or magneto resistive. I don't know which type this is, but the manual for the Soliton controllers states that the throttle input is 0 to 5 Volts which should be right for the Open Revolt.
I'm pretty sure I have the three throttle wires connected correctly.
Any suggestions how to solve this would be much appreciated!
Some info about the car at: enaultlio.tumblr.com (should update that a bit...)