Finally finding the time to post the data from my trip. So here it is:
My Trip Parameters:
I weigh 180 lbs
my sister weighs 145 lbs
We had 300 lbs of tools and cargo
No driving Technique was used. Just straight cruising all the way through.
Cleveland, OH to Clarksville, TN
Total Load: 625 lbs
Average Temperature: 45.7 degrees
4.007 gallon mid-way addition
8.478 gallon fill-up at end
*Total gallons: 12.285
Distance: 548.8 Miles
Average Speed: 66 MPH(3 rest/stretch/restroom/food stops)
Net Elevation Change: -409ft
Trip Notes: very hilly. Slight traffic near Columbus and Cincinnati. About 3 hours with headlights on.
MPG: 44.67 MPG
*Not sure how accurate my method was, but I stopped for gas half way on the way down because it didn't seem like I was going to make it, so I added those gallons to my final gallons.
Clarksville, TN to Cleveland, OH
Total Load: 635 lbs(got to add in that Thanksgiving Dinner
Average Temperature: 52.3 degrees
Total Gallons:11.301 gallons
Distance: 533.7 Miles
Average Speed: 63 MPH(4 rest/stretch/restroom/food stops)
Net Elevation Change: +409ft
Trip Notes: very hilly. Bad traffic outside of Cincinnati. About 4 hours with headlights on.
*removed Ford Focus intake snorkel for about 20 degrees warmer IAT.
MPG: 47.23 MPG