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Old 07-06-2015, 02:22 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Red Bean - '01 Chevrolet Metro
90 day: 34.44 mpg (US)
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Talking The Red Bean Thread (2001 Chevy Metro)

* For updates, see bottom of this post for links *

First off, I sure hope this is the correct area to put this. If not, please move it to the correct area. Thank you.

This thread will be where I will discuss and showcase anything and everything relating to my car that I've nicknamed "Red Bean". This includes any modifications, any finds, any alterations, any news, etc. I also welcome feedback through replies.

Pictures will be added once I can get my camera working right.

So what is "Red Bean"?
Red Bean is a 2001 Chevy Metro LSi. I haven't decided if it should be a male or female or an "it" (despite many people referring to their cars as "her"). It is a 1.3L 4-cyl. 3-speed Automatic. EPA Estimated 26/31 MPG. It is 5 ft. 2.6 in. (62.6 in.) wide, 4 ft. 7.4 in. (55.4 in.) tall, and 13 ft. 8 in. (164 in.) long. It has a 10.3 gallon fuel tank and of course runs on gasoline. The estimated range per tank is 267.8/319.3 miles (City/Highway). I'm not exactly certain the "curb weight" as I've seen two different values in my research. One says it is 1984 pounds while another says it's 2040 pounds. The torque is 75 ft-lbs. @ 3000 rpm. Horsepower is 79 hp @ 6000 rpm. It has a turning circle of 31.5 feet. As for "features", it's pretty basic. An AM/FM stereo. A clock. Cloth bucket seats. Air conditioning. Manual windows/locks/etc. No cruise control. Pretty basic car which is what I like.

What's wrong with it?
It has around 136,000 miles on the odometer. There is a "rattling" when going over bumps but haven't quite pinpointed the cause. I suspect it's a mix of something in the suspension and exhaust. It's a "little loud" but not too bad. One headlight is a little out of line. No tachometer (which to me sucks). Automatic transmission (nuff said). Burns a little oil (light blue smoke, can't even tell unless someone else is driving it). Probably needs a good tune up. I just got it so not entirely sure everything wrong with it. Time will tell.

What's good about it?
Pretty good on gas. Small. Easy to drive and park. Pretty safe (good safety ratings). Non-interference engine (basically if the timing belt breaks, it won't destroy the valves/head). Only cost me $650.

What is my usual "route"?
I typically drive roughly 16-25 miles a day over the same exact route. Once or twice a week I have to run other errands and that route can change from week to week. Overall, I drive roughly 150 miles a week. Some weeks more, some weeks less. This may of course change at any time.

What are my plans?
* First thing planned is to swap out the radio with a CD playing radio I already have. The over the air radio stations here suck so I have to resort to CDs. This has a benefit of allowing me to remove the radio antenna without any issue to me specifically.

* Second thing is a basic tune up (replace spark plugs, change fluids, etc). Also to find any serious issues and attempt to get them fixed in a timely manner.

* Third thing is to test the baseline fuel economy. I plan to run a tank or two through driving my normal route while trying to drive like "normal people" to get a baseline. Then I will run a tank or two through driving like I usually drive (same route) to see how just my driving habits influence the fuel economy. Then lastly will begin doing modifications one at a time while testing fuel economy. Hopefully by that stage I'll have a ScanGauge.

* Eventual goal is to see how many MPGs I can squeeze out of the generally stock engine and drivetrain. I'm estimating maybe 40-50MPG overall when all is said and done. Maybe more, maybe less. Depending on several long term factors that are currently out of my control, I may or may not swap out the engine/trans with something else like a diesel engine or electric motor.

Some possible planned mods (in no certain order)?
* Front end reshape. Maybe a full nose job or a trial with an air dam.

* Full boat tail (eventually).

* Wheel skirts? Back ones almost surely. Front ones unsure.

* Belly pan? Will have to look further into it. I do worry that there could be issues with lack of airflow under the body but this may just be me worrying too much.

* ScanGauge for sure. Just not sure when.

* Removal of back seat. Don't use it, never have used back seats. Will probably remove it and replace it with a flat shelf.

* Deletion of outside mirrors and replacing them with interior mirrors.

* Possibly other small mods aimed at streamlining the body and controlling airflow around it.

* EXTREME MOD: This one is a very slight maybe and if so would be very far in the future. I have often wondered if well placed "dimples" on the body could reduce drag. Think golf balls. I've heard many times that hail damaged cars seem to get better fuel economy. If I ever decide to try this one, it will likely be with a new skin layer over the body to keep me from having to "dimple" the body itself. Would allow me to test it without "ruining" the cars looks. If however it proves useful enough, I'll dimple the car body itself if need be for the extra MPGs lol. It will be interesting to test.

UPDATE ONE: http://ecomodder.com/forum/showthrea...tml#post486358

UPDATE TWO: http://ecomodder.com/forum/showthrea...tml#post487957

Last edited by ThePrudentNinja; 07-24-2015 at 08:37 PM..
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Old 07-06-2015, 03:25 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Nice car.

I'd suggest an air dam. I didn't test it, but it seemed to help out and most air dams have a fairly good effect from other's testing.

Here is mine:
Current project: A better alternator delete
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Old 07-06-2015, 04:02 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Post a photo of the car!
Project MPGiata! Mods for getting 50+ MPG from a 1990 Miata
Honda mods: Ecomodding my $800 Honda Fit 5-speed beater
Mitsu mods: 70 MPG in my ecomodded, dirt cheap, 3-cylinder Mirage.
Ecodriving test: Manual vs. automatic transmission MPG showdown

has launched a forum for the efficient new Mitsubishi Mirage
www.MetroMPG.com - fuel efficiency info for Geo Metro owners
www.ForkenSwift.com - electric car conversion on a beer budget
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Old 07-06-2015, 10:55 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Yes, I also made a lawn-edging air dam, although I did not use brackets, so it probably bent back the more that I needed it.

It will not make a big difference, but it has a good return for the investment!
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Old 07-07-2015, 12:14 AM   #5 (permalink)
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I lowered my 95 sedan and it seemed to help, then I installed a 1.0 3 banger and a 5 speed. It got low to mid 50s in the summer but it was pretty slow on the hills. It also had a full grill block. LOL
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Old 07-07-2015, 12:06 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Appliance car Mirage - '14 Mitsubishi Mirage ES (base)
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Did your sedan come with an automatic?
Project MPGiata! Mods for getting 50+ MPG from a 1990 Miata
Honda mods: Ecomodding my $800 Honda Fit 5-speed beater
Mitsu mods: 70 MPG in my ecomodded, dirt cheap, 3-cylinder Mirage.
Ecodriving test: Manual vs. automatic transmission MPG showdown

has launched a forum for the efficient new Mitsubishi Mirage
www.MetroMPG.com - fuel efficiency info for Geo Metro owners
www.ForkenSwift.com - electric car conversion on a beer budget
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Old 07-10-2015, 12:17 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Red Bean - '01 Chevrolet Metro
90 day: 34.44 mpg (US)
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Alright, a few updates.

I finally got the car on the road today and got to REALLY put it through its paces. I have found the CV axles will need replacing (one probably pretty soon, the other not needed as soon). For a temporary patch till I can do such, I will be cleaning the CV joints tomorrow and packing some CV joint grease in them. The boots are shot so no worries about screwing them up lol. While I'm at it, I will be getting a closer look at the tie rods/ball joints. It seems the rack and pinion steering sounds and feels a little "dry". Anyone know what to look for lubing on that system? When steering you can slightly "feel" what reminds me of metal rubbing against dry rubber. I presume something needs lubing. A replacement is around $250 plus labor (I lack the skills to do it) so hopefully I won't need such.

As well, the car coasts like a brick. It drops quite a bit of speed (more so than I would have thought). I'm suspecting the CV joints are contributing but it may also be bad alignment.

Not sure exactly when pictures will be had, tomorrow is the Red Beans first fill up in my hands. The maintenance records are unknown except I did spot evidence in the glove box and under the hood that it had it's oil changed at around 86K miles. It probably needs another oil change. Transmission fluid looks and smells fine so will likely be changing it as well since unsure when it was last changed. The coolant also looks like it needs changing. Not sure when all this will get done, time and money will tell.

I am curious if anyone else here has a 2001 Chevy Metro. If so, I would be interested in an audio recording of the engine running to compare. I always like to get comparisons when I can. Each engine design can make different noises.

After a closer look over the body, the aerodynamics look pretty crappy. A lot of room for improvement, especially in the rear and on the front.

The upcoming work for the Red Bean will be a tune up and solving of the issues with it. Once it is in good running shape, then I will focus more on "other mods". I have plenty I want to try.

Overall, it drives well. The steering is nice and precise (if it weren't for the noises I would think nothing is wrong with it). It has a bit of pep, although still pretty slow to get going lol. It sounds like it's going somewhere fast, yet isn't. It shifts smoothly, but only having three gears will be something I need to get used to. I have to learn when it shifts. So far it shifts into second at a pretty low speed and doesn't shift into third till over 55MPH. My typical route is mostly 45mph with a few miles of 55mph and a mile of 25mph. Will be interesting to see how I handle it. Once I get the front end work done, I may just take the interstate to get it into third gear and hover just above it.

I've already taken out the "factory AM/FM radio" but haven't installed the "new" radio yet. I misplaced the wiring diagram for the Metro. I noticed they sure don't give you much wire to work with lol. It will be interesting cutting the stock connector and wiring up the new connector with big hands in a small radio compartment. I have what some have called bear hands.

*end of updates

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Old 07-24-2015, 08:36 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Red Bean - '01 Chevrolet Metro
90 day: 34.44 mpg (US)
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UPDATE: Just filled up today. First tank of fuel and rather impressed with the fuel economy. This whole tank was "city" driving (the fastest I went was 45mph). I even ran the air conditioner for about 25% of the time. The rest of the time windows down. No mods yet. Fuel economy: 34.44MPG. Oh and also for HALF the tank the back tires were horrible underinflated (my bad). Pressure read less than 15psi on the back tires when I checked them half way through the tank lol. Pumped all up to 35psi and went with it. I was wondering why it coasted like a brick. Was so wrapped up in "new car" I.. forgot to check.

I did notice that the shift pattern for this car is rather odd to me. It shifts from first to second at around 10-15mph and from second to third around 20-25mph. It only has three gears! I can't wrap my head around this thing being in one gear from 20mph or so all the way to the supposed top speed of 85mph.

I also noticed it likely needs an alignment. Some of the noise and rattling appears to be the exhaust (it's rather loose in places). Still needs CV axles, will hopefully get that done soon.

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Old 07-24-2015, 09:25 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Put tires to 45PSI. Prepare for a rough ride but you will probably pick up 5-10% FE.


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