This is EXACTLY WHY I hoped Acetone would NOT make a difference...
I'm looking at your log... and I honestly don't see a difference.... Acetone #2 was high - but Acetone #3 was lower... Which leads me to think #2 was pump error under fill.
Your 90 day average is 41.61.... Your last 3 fill average is 41.47... Your lifetime is 40.92.... The average of all acetone fills thus far is 41.60. Without doing the math - what you're seeing from tank to tank is statistically insignificant. the variation you're getting is within the normal variation. Your Acetone #2 is only .19mpg higher than your second highest non acetone mpg fill (42.86) - also note the large drop in mpg right after that 42.86mpg fill (down to 38.58).
The service truck was probably to check calibration - which is done periodically to ensure the station isn't screwing you
I'll keep adding less n' less Acetone until my mileage peaks, and it starts going the other direction... then, I'll add more n' more and see if it comes back up again. In other words, I'm seeking a 'happy median'.
If you want to do that - with any statistical significance and/or confidence... You need to maintain a consistent mixture over a series of tanks (maybe 1000 miles or more). Then modify the variable and run for another 1000+ miles. Otherwise, there's too many variables.... Unfortunately, weather (seasonal) is going to be a big deal.
The best way to do this would be to have it done blind
such that you can't make this claim:
The Acetone makes my ride *feel* like I'm running premium gas again (which Honda recommends) although this is likely a placebo effect.