Pitfalls, like the temp going up in stopped traffic in warmer weather.
Cool image CD, I saw an Insight on the interstate today and it had the mirrors mounted way out on pylons also.
I let my wife drive the sc1 home today, she said it doesn't slow down when you put the clutch in, it just keeps going. I guess she had to break a little harder than normal. She must have been going down a slight grade.
My next mod will be front fender skirts, I bought 4x8ft x 1/16 thick pvc plastic shower sheet for $15 from Menards. I'll rivet on 1/2 of a 700c bike rim for reinforcement, maybe bungie cords to keep it tight against the fender and a hinge at the top.
Bought a new vehicle today, 1991 Honda crx hf for $500. needs some work, should get super mpg.
The Impact back looks cool too: