Originally Posted by puddleglum
I have an older SGII 2008 I think with 3.17? firmware version. I'm wondering if it is worth sending it in for upgrade. Does anyone know what all's been changed? Would it help the operation in a non hybrid car?
In case anyone is interested, I've been in contact with Linear Logic regarding upgrading my SG. Joey Snyder has been very helpful. The 4.13EM update is apparently not a part of the other upgrades but it does include the performance monitoring feature that the newest upgrade has.
He has offered to ship me a new circuit board for FREE that I can change out myself rather than make me ship my unit to Arizona and have to pay international shipping. I am really pleased. The Scangauge is expensive but it's nice to know thy provide excellent support.
Almost all my driving is done 1-5 miles at a time.
Best short trip: 2.4 l/100 km, 3.9 km