Originally Posted by JerkOfAllTrades
I hadn't thought about it but I have always used some hypermiler techniques.
I will lift throttle and take the transmission out of gear and coast to a red light but, I have always done that. A couple years ago I started driving slower  to try and get better gas mileage and have improved my average from 27mpg to a whopping 31mpg without making any changes to the car.
However, I don't use the cruise control (stopped working anyway) because I grew up with cars that didn't have that feature. And pulse and glide seems to me to be very annoying to other drivers (I try to be considerate of others).
I will keep reading and maybe find driving techniques that I will find comfortable or can adapt for my own use.
Good points, all.
P&G is very annoying to other drivers, this is true.
I drive in horrendous traffic on my way in to work. I do not have the
Kahonies to force drivers behind me to slow below the speed limit. Especially since some of them weigh 40 tons. I just stay in the slow lane at the lowest reasonable speed and try to be as considerate as possible.
I will get behind one of the Semi's to draft though.
They don't like it a lot,so, I stay back far enough so they can see me in at least one mirror. I know I hate it when I'm driving a Semi and I know there is a car behind me but I can't see him. It is very unnerving.
My ride home however is another story altogether.
Generally there are only a few dozen cars on the road with me and I can P&G all I want in the slow lane. If one of the late night drivers gets behind me during a glide I just turn on my flashers and he will usually go around. Unless he's a PC Trooper. Duh. On my second glide He pulled me to find out what was wrong, After a short explanation he just shook his head and left me alone.
That Said: I am sure we are all getting a little better every day.
I may fill my tank early to see if I have done significantly better with this tank vers last tank. (No SG yet). car still runs poorly. werkin on the replacement so's I can get this off the road for reman.