Here's what you do:
Get a C-clamp and a few tampons... slide 'em up your tailpipe (your CAR'S tailpipe) and then use the C-clamp to squeeze down the end of the pipe until it holds them firmly in place. Voila! The strings flapping in the breeze act as vortex generators to fill your car's wake too!!!
From their site:
"Particulate Material (soot) is an air pollutant known to cause grave environmental and human health consequences. Environmental
consequences of PM include: air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, crop degradation, acid rain, acidification of waterways
and smog. Health consequences of PM include: cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory disease, fibrosis, asthma, reduced pulmo-
nary function and increased mortality."
increased mortality? like more than 1:1? I figured the mortality ratio was pretty much fixed at 1 death per living being...
Work From Home mod has saved more fuel than everything else put together.