I never realized so much fuel efficiency could be found from just modified driving habits. I have been reading the site for a couple of weeks and put some of the driving ideas into play last night. A completely unmodified (don't even know the tire pressures

) 1995 Toyota Camry LE with 115k on the 2.2L 4 cylinder engine and 4 speed transmission netted me over 35.5 mpg in mixed driving. I am definitely a believer to say the least.
I plan on trying aerodynamic modifications that remain largely unseen. The wife drives the car almost exclusively in the city for volunteer work. So that will mean a good education for her getting the best mpg and shutting the car off when necessary... and also means the aero mods have to stay very modest. Planning on buying a SGII soon.
I definitely look forward to learning more and pushing 40 mpg with a mid-sized automatic family hauler.

The other cars are going to have to wait, it's my intention to primarily ride my bike to work over the winter in NE Ohio.
A picture to help envision what I am working with:

Previous car (same body, different color) that was flipped for a profit, will update when I get home.